Loreal- Behind the Magazine’s Advertorial

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sebab iklan ni dah keluar…

aku agak malas nak cite yang detaily sangat

sbb ni baru part 1, the hair colour’s part. me and ringgo adalah 2 orang bloggers yang terpilih for the hair colour with Loreal. we are being paid as the Loreal’s haircolour’s model. i m contracted with them and agreement pun kena sign yer. bukan main ligas gitu semata jer.

a day before the casting day, they coloured my hair first. since ai got there first before ringgo, and i m a mother, ai dont want to have any colour2 yang perang ke hapa. so ai choose the 535 chocolate. under the sun memang nampak lah brown sket but kalo idak, it looks like black but still glosy and shining.

kalau kita biasa sirman kalerkan rambut aku dengan satu kotak tube loreal tu jer, rupanya kat sini, the loreal prof building itself, depa tempek sampai 3 kotak. or was it 2 boxes. tetiba lupa ingatan. tu lah lama nau buat nih, last march mar…

so tu je lah

nanti esok aku kuorkan the casting photos, waktu shooting tu yer…







n of cos ni iklan lam Nuyou Magazine first (chinese magazine), hok yang lam Female aku letak esok yerr…ai think they want to do some marketing to malay and chinese bloggers, so me and ringgo terpilih…all these via nuffnang, if u wanna know.

So have u got your peace of Female magazine, May’s edition…

tengok seimbas, memang korang tak sangka that s me…itulah hasil make up ahhahahahaa!

ye saya menambah portfolio menjadi model haircolour pulak…

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