I bring camera to KLCC…


my workstation is at the window, very next to the window so kalau abang cuci bangunan buat clean up memang tetiba terjojol je lah kat tingkap nih. that s my view…Ambank and PBB.


n this is the road that i see everyday, siang malam…kalau after 5pm, jalan ni memang hebatlah jemnya. exactly depan klcc. kalau hujan lagi hebat.  kalau hok gambor gini bleylah aku kira keter lalu lalang (wah macam takde keje) but kalo hujan hamik, from the 5 lanes boleh jadi 7 lanes woo!


i hv stopped buying shoes. i dont intend to buy 1 pun kasut baru. dah berbulan2 yang oi….so i keep on wearing the same shoes.


teh tarik is a no no to drink, once in a while boleh. susu berlemak sangat tuh. so i must opt dengan fruit juice. tapi tt baru 1.50 but air buah in food court klcc can go up to 5-8 inggit!


i saw this bag, very bulky, anaknya ramai, but the bag is so nice. anyone knows what brand of this?


there s one stall in the 4th floor food court yang buat aku suka bangat. for 5 yrs keje sini baru 2,3 hari nih aku in love betu dengan kedai makan nih. for a set of gulai sotong + pari bakar + nasi = RM10.90. tapi sedap bangat. i should reduce my makan method lah teruk tol aku makan berlemak berasam pedas bagai.


you boleh makan nasi, during lunch. but for dinner try to avoid it. kuning telur pun boleh makan, but balance your fat. jangan ko pi bantai makan telur hari2 pulak. every portions that u take must be minimal from now on. so telur kuning leh lah makan seminggu sekali. but balance it. the nasi for my body fat, it has to go with half bowl of nasi. org kita msian makan nasi bertambah2 kan, so kenalah reduce on that. i m trying hard.

motif is this entry is my day wt the white camera 🙂

a day before KY oso tried the white camera and he videoed me, cam soliau jer bila dia suh aku cakap cina. so the next day i brought mine to test on the gadget hehehehe..kind of like it.

but no details on that yet coz that s for u to find out later in the adv mode.

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