Oct 9 2015 Friday, 10:00 am
Blogger Ambassador for Marie France Bodyline…
Ini masa KLFW2015 few months ago, so akak pi the last day, under Churp Churp and for Zalora. So our outfits laki bini pun by Zalora of course. My top tu akak ada 4 helai, 4 warna kau! Jadi ko tengok, gemukkan akak dalam nih? Hah dah tentulah. Sebulan Syawal plus 2-3 weeks of Ramadhan membelasah makan, agak tidak terkawal hingga badan pun naik balik.
Tak mengapa. Memang sengaja pun naik badan, coz nak enjoy the food. Ramadhan tu aku ok ler lagi, boleh lagi berbatas tapi masuk Syawal, dalam tepis tepis, heh last2 aku set, takpelah, makan je. Sebulan raya sebulan kita hadap segala. Jadi habis je Syawal arituh, akak dah mulakan diet balik ler. Tengok Instagram akak, bertonggang air suam aku bantai. Detox habis, turun sekilo ko buat tu 2 hari hahahhaa…tapi tak cukup. Melambak lagi kilog2 ni yang nak dinyahkan.
Dan tetiba, Marie France Bodyline– hello Kak Red, come join us on board?
Gila tak nak!!
Fyi, Marie France Bodyline ngan Kak Red ini dah 3rd year. We started on 2010. Then I got pregnant on 2011. Then Marie France Bodyline panggil lagi on 2012. We stop when I have to be in Germany for about a month. Lepas tu terus akak gemuk kurus kurussssssssss till now naik balik badan ler. Dan sekarang 2015 kami kembali bersatu semula.
I m so looking forward for the treatments by Marie France Bodyline. Peluang masa depa treat kita tu kan, memang kita automatically akan tertidur waktu depa buat massage and wrapping etcs.. Dah elok sangatlah kan, akak memang sejak maidless ni memang need the nap sangat. Dan of cos, motif utamanya alang2 akak pun tengah diet kan, baiklah sekali jalan dengan the treatments yang of cos lah, will speed up the slimming process.
Tu pun baik sebab hasil pelangsingan Marie France Bodyline memang terbukti sebab dalam research Nielsen yang telah dijalankan, 93% of the respondents realised yang baju mereka menjadi lebih longgar selepas 6 minggu treatments. So dengan back up statistic macam ni, lagilah akak percaya dengan Marie France Bodyline.
*Research conducted by Nielsen Nov-Dec 2014, n=105 Singaporean Females aged 22-40
I just had my first treatment, it calls FEST Treatment (Fat Energizing System Lipo Therapy). Dalam coveragenya ialah (best akak copy paste je folks, lagi paham korang nak bacakan)
- Aids the irrigation of fatty acids
- Reduces orange peel appearance
- Immediate lightness and inch loss due to water reduction and skin tightening
- Enhances total lymph system cleansing
- Improves vascular flow, which in turn, enhances oxygen, nutrient, and lymph exchange at the cellular level
- Increases cell metabolism
- Relieves muscular aches & pains and reduces muscle spasm
- Decreases rigidity in joints
- Improves skin & body tone
- Hydrates dry skin
- Relieves stress, leaving the body feeling relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
- Very effective when combines with other MF treatments with no intense tissue heating.
So masa buat treatment ni, areas of application pulak di:
- Tummy, Arms and front thighs
- Hips, Back thighs and calves.
- Tummy, front thighs and calves.
Lelebih lagi details, nanti akak citer dalam next post akak. Cuma nak cakap, tu lah, routine akak berubah sebab ni ler, at least lam a week, 2, 3 kali akak memang dok kat MFB, besttttttttttttttt!!! Hiks.
Oh akak tak nak turun banyak pun, asalkan boleh reshape balik badan. Lebih pun tak kisah, bonus mar.
So I would like to announce that I am one of their Blogger Ambassadors, let s slim down with Marie France Bodyline Let s go Marie France Bodyline. Marie France Bodyline is having promotion right now, do drop by at their outlets – 1st trial Body Contouring Treatment @ RM78 only. Sign up now if you are interested di sini: http://bit.ly/1P8kCQF
Oct 09, 2015 @ 11:09:46
Tanniah kak Red.
akubiomed recently posted..Ketahui rahsia sulit DTopSecret untuk peminat tegar Domino pizza
Alin Marlini
Oct 09, 2015 @ 12:01:49
ok je macam tu kak red…still maintain
Alin Marlini recently posted..Cermin Mata & Rabun
Lyn Yusoff
Oct 12, 2015 @ 16:07:52
untung kak red…
lepas ni boleh slim balik
Lyn Yusoff recently posted..JB Trip : Jalan-Jalan di Johor Bahru
Oct 13, 2015 @ 09:31:05
Aritu try Indiba treatment. Panas la jugak huhuhuhu. kalau KakRed ada buat INdiba nak tau jugak apa komen KakRed hehehe