Balenciaga the BSH…


The fourth members in our red cat family.

Balenciaga aka Bel. Male. Born on 7 August 2018 and masa amik ni baru je ngam2 sebulan. Bel is from the British ShortHair, golden shades. Mak Pak dia pure BSH, ada 3 beradik jantan sama lahir ngan dia gak masa nih. I always hope to get one BSH, alhamdulillah, terima kasih Anne aka PenMerah yang hadiahkan. Ferragamo the cat ai (just turned 1 year recently) pun from the same owner gak, Anne PenMerah.

Ada sebulan gak Chanel and Ferra dok rumah PenMerah for matting. So skang aku ngah kekira hari ler for Ferra and Chanel pregnant. Heharap ado yang melekat, sebulan tu for Ferra dok ngan bf BSH dia kat sana, and Chanel plak sebulan lebih, pun with BSH gak bf dia coz masa aku jemput dia orang nak balik, Chanel masih lagi package nak mengawan still. Haish..lama btol makcik tuh.

Everytime i feel down, everytime i feel sad, diorang ni la yang make me smile a bit, to answer your questions till when ai nak membela the kitties ni. Till my akhir hayat hidup ai lah. Insyallah.

Sejak ada Bel ni, ai tidur bawah kat sofa coz ai nak kena babysit dia 24/7. I amik cuti 3 days (so dapat 10days) to look after him. First 2 days, tak pandai langsung dia nak minum pakai bowl, so aku beli botol susu and feed him. Skang ni dah pandailah minum sendiri from the bowl.

Groomer pun dah datang mandikan dia (with his other sisters gak lah), and I will start sending him to vet once he turns 2 months (skang too light sangat weight dia).

To recap, i have Chanel, LV, Ferra and now Bel. I used to have Dior, but there s a situation between Dior and my husband (few months ago), so I had to let him go (of cos lah aku sedih giler, but do you think my husb care bout my feelings? no). So takpelah. from now on, i m not gonna let go any of my cats.

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