Monday, 8:30 am

hazab tol muka mak merah. odw to cherating from kl. we didnt bring kids, coz it s more to bekerja. lagipun majlis orang, n some more my kids hv their own classes as well over the weekend.
We need to be in Cherating by Saturday petang, event by XFresh and One Drop Perfumes, a party in Impiana Hotel Cherating. i was asked by Nuffnang to attend on behalf of bloggers. so RM and Beautifulnara attended this, depa naik bas ngan crew Astro.

tangga naik ke lobby Impiana Cherating nih, kalau ko bawak bag beroda, kena lah angkut yer, dok pun mintak staff hotel angkatkan, jangan lupa bagi tips yerrr…..

lobby hotel yang besau, kat sini aku menumpang buat entry for sunday on sat nite. ada wireless, laju gak aaa

cute dok? pintu toilet…
Mak Cik and Pak Cik

breakfast in Kedai Kopi Impiana

Astro ada sediakan 2 bas untuk 200 orang guests yang dibawa dari kl, and crew, but we chose to drive. tak boleh nak match timing, pagi2 kena stand by kat Astro, cannot lor. lebih rela drive sendiri boleh pergi and balik ikut time aku sendiri.
coz pagi tu kami sibuk ngan anak2 nya hal….in fact we can stop anywhere that we want. even balik pun kami cabut awal dulu, and sampai kl to catch the kids too. so bila drive sendiri kena kuor duit minyak toll sendiri lah kan, takper lah, aku lebih rela, can spend more time wt kids and boleh settlekan apa2 yang patut at home gak.
benda yang aku leh pergi bergerak sendiri, aku buat sendiri, tp kalau kena rely on transport organizer, tu kena ikut lah.

we just stop for wiwiiiiii and lunch kat cherating. late lunch actually. tak berenti mana2 RnR pung. along the road, aku layan 2 movies, tak tidur langsung temankan sirman drive. panas panas….cuaca sangat panas wpun ekon ke main kuat. with my heavy flu, demam yang lom kebah…..kerja lor.
memanglah demam, but i cannot pull back my attendance, i have committed to this since few weeks ago. Nuffnang hv confirmed my seats to Astro so it wouldnt be nice kalau aku suh blogger lain ganti. lagipun they want Redmummy, so here comes Redmummy to cover the event.
tak tau lah nak nominate sapa dari bloggers suh mai sini. kang kalau aku tarik diri, next future event aku kena ban plak ngan Astro.

the room was so big and nice. when we checked in, i dont know what s an issue was, but we got this room. room was sponsored half by Impiana and half paid by Astro. i got the very big room. but rupanya late petang tuh, i found out this was not supposed to be my room. ni bilik orang lain dar…
but what to do, counter hotel yang bagi mak merah bilik ni, ater duduk je lah.
tried to change the room, i know i m supposed to get a smaller room, but tak dilayan. kena jerkah lagi adalah. hahahahahaa….let s not go there further, already past pun. tq Astro for the big room.

as i said, bilik ke main luas. ni kalau bawak anak2 memang syok.
those nak dok Impiana Cherating, aku sokong sesangat. i donno how much is this room, but you can google from impiana’s web.

betul2 macam bilik honeymoon ler pulak.
udahlah kami ni datang tak bawak anak2………
just that they dont have internet access from the room. that s y aku lari ke lobby, situ ada free wifi.

bilik air je dah sama beso ngan bilik Link Hotel. boleh buat main bowling daaaaaaaa………..

well ok kami sampai around 230 pm gitu, bas pulak sampai lam kol 4 lebih. aku terus rehat, selubung badan lam blanket, risau kalau demam naik temp, dalam gambo2 ni memanglah mesra senyum tapi mak tak sihat lah. sirman tinggalkan aku lam bilik and he did a tour in the hotel. amik gambo ke main banyak sakan, event will start at 6pm at the beach.

nak terjun tiruk!

nice hotel room, cuma tv dia kecik ya rabbi. masih lagi pakai tv lama yang hok 14 inci. itu je lah satu yang spoilt, and the tv plak tak facing ke katil. malam tu sirman pusingkan tv tu ke katil, sempit aaa dok kat couch berdua.

I dont share my travel or my program ‘live’, hanya sesudah event sahaja baru boleh bukak cerita.Thanks Astro and XFM for the invite, thanks Nuffnang for choosing RM and thanks korang yang dok potpet kat my FB wondering kenapa telinga aku berdengung, that s becoz of the concert daaa….
So again, we were in Cherating coz Astro invited us for the Exclusive Party by XFM and One Drop perfumes. ada 6 band artists buat show, consider as private party, with 200 guests sahaja. we have guest artists: Pop Shuvit, Pesawat, Bunkface, Stonebay, Altimet and Hujan.
Banyaklah gambar2 during the party, keluarlah nanti kang2 yer…
Category: [
Astro, Cherating, Event, Nuffnang, XFresh ]
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