
Lemon – David Teo

On behalf of David Teo, Budiey invited me for buka puasa event, kat Lemon Restaurant Mines Wonderland

simple buka puasa, x crowded ramai orang x bising, makan ala buffet so on

met few bloggers, ai wanna link them but ai donno their blog’s url, so girls pls leave yr blog add yeah

oh wenkt hahahahahah u guys know him kan? dia ada sejarah sama akak merah dedulu huhuuuuuu

berkaitan merah2 gak 🙂

couldnt see any famous artists (ke aku yang x kenal artist? hiksss)….

never mind, let s shoot him for redmummy’s blog, bukan David ni millionaire ke? but he s so down to earth person lah…

Tonite, ai learn something…

Tonite, ai google something…

Tonite, udah2 la tu oi…

awat la banyak speculation tang tu tang ni…akak pakai skirt ke, pakai kain batik lenggang mak limah ker…awat big deal for you. haiyoooo!

Comment: 16

Red and Mini Cooper…

the red mini carpet..katanya 🙂 was from ikea

it looks like the sheep skin, but it s not

oh sheep skin…..bekkkkkkkkk bekkkkkkkkkkk!

n the bangkok’s souvenirs is almost habis sampai ke tuan tangan

some are receiving by normal postal, (sila check post box anda) some are still pending (due to kotakness), some are collecting from my mom’s house, some are despatched by my brother, and some have to wait till we meet (aku nak post korang nak gak jumpa ngan mak merah kan!)

sirman digged his drawer, found hundreds of stamps, totally forgot bout it.. (no need to use pos laju boleh?) nah! akak posmen told me to place 2 inggit’s stamp, tapi aku tempek 5 inggit stamps so kalau x sampai bukan salah stamps tapi salah pencopek!

Tajuk entry ni is Mini Cooper kan…

saje buang tebiat… 😉

Comment: 5

Allah Selamatkan Kamu…

You Are A Gift Some people give the gift
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift
of peace and tranquility
in my life. Happy Birthday Kak Ann!

2 maps

the yellow tag, is the specific places to shopping

the full itinerary

remember my red parcel from Singapore…it comes together with the whole bunch of these 4 photos, maps, itineraries so on…

She s the only person in my blogging world knows that ai ll be out to somewhere, and she digged this for me, so to my loyal readers, let s wish her

Shopaholic Mama @ Kak Ann @ Auntie Ann



dia sudah warning sama gue, jangan diblogkan hapa2, well kak…u gotta understand here, when ai appreciate you as a sister, sister’s msg not only comes from the blog, it comes from the heart, i love you so much, we red family love you toooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

your present is on the way kakak………!!!

so geng, now u now where am ai right now?

bak kata gegirl..think think, alah x yah think lah, surely u know marrrrrrrr


**I purposely post this entry one day earlier than her actual bday, coz ai suker ler…

Comment: 4

Wanita musuh wanita…

SINGAPURA: Satu kajian antarabangsa mendedahkan wanita adalah ‘musuh’ sendiri di tempat kerja kerana didapati tidak akan mempromosi golongan mereka untuk kenaikan pangkat.

Kajian saintis Shannon L Goodson dari Amerika pada 2008 itu adalah sebahagian daripada kandungan buku baru beliau berjudul The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance yang membuat perbandingan terhadap hampir 11,500 wanita profesional dan 16,700 lelaki dari 34 negara.

Goodson berkata wanita profesional di Britain, Amerika dan China didapati lebih berminat mempromosikan kepentingan mereka, manakala wanita New Zealand, Sweden adalah yang paling kurang berminat terhadap kerjaya, diikuti wanita Australia dan Kanada.

Bagaimanapun secara keseluruhan kata Shannon, ramai wanita tidak melakukan sesuatu yang cukup baik untuk meningkatkan kerjaya masing-masing.

“Wanita tidak mewujudkan siling kaca yang menjadi penghalang yang mengehadkan wanita untuk meningkatkan keupayaan diri mereka, tetapi merekalah yang mengekalkan siling kaca itu,” kata Goodson.

Kajian beliau juga mendapati ramai wanita yang berjaya meningkatkan kerjaya mahu kejayaan itu menjadi milik mereka seorang saja, sebilangannya tidak teragak-agak mensabotaj peluang wanita lain untuk mendapat kenaikan pangkat atau meningkatkan kerjaya mereka.

Beliau berkata, keupayaan untuk membuktikan sumbangan dan kecekapan di tempat kerja adalah ciri penting dalam pengurusan kerjaya era moden dan ini antara perkara yang belum mampu dilakukan kebanyakan wanita berbanding rakan kerja lelaki mereka. ? Reuters

Kajian Goodson mendapati kebanyakan lelaki tidak menghadapi masalah membuktikan sumbangan malah ada yang sanggup berbohong.

Bagaimanapun katanya, ramai wanita masih menganggap usaha mempromosikan diri sendiri sebagai sesuatu yang tidak dapat diterima secara ‘sosial’ dan percaya kenaikan pangkat diperoleh hanya dengan kerja kuat. ? Reuters


Sesuai bacaan ni untuk lalat2 yang menggangu perjalanan careerku, keje kuat je lah babe, x yah dok mengumpat sana sini, memalas angkat satkabo, mengaku anak dara tp jando, rambut ala penyapu, perut penuh berangin busuk ati padan muka kena sound direct jer ngan atasan 😛 . From my loyal reader, a blogger yang ku kenal sekian lama tapi x pernah buat hurung, x pernah buat hal…he s someone special too, Fifi.

Comment: 5

Mom’s meeting…

i met them coz they are my frens though we are not good best buddies in the world

lesson untuk arini – yang tua kita hormati, walau luka parah dia menikam belakang…kalau kami silap yang tua bisa menegur kami face to face, ni pi cakap belakang mengata tikam2 mengapak parang. kalau dia menunjuk muka tak nak bertegur dengan kami anak beranak, wpun anak2 ku mesra tahap capan sama mereka, itu kehendak mereka sebagai yang tua, tapi sirman dan ai akan tetap mengajar anak-anak menghormati yang tua. anak-anak tu suci, x bersalah… 🙁

sepatutnya sirman tanya ‘apa problem ko bang ngan kami red family? tetiba je ko tikam2 kami ni kenapa’

Ai wanted to know, soalan yang sekian lama kupendam….sedih orang buat gini, kita takde masalah ngan orang tetiba orang menikam2 kita, aku x tau apa salah silap kami sekeluarga. kami buka pintu rumah untuk terima tetamu, tapi di belakang kami rupanya kami ditarah.

Mungkin ada hikmah di sebalik semua kejadian, tapi alangkah molek jika kami tahu apa sebab musababnya.

Hari ini hari Jumaat yang mulia….seminggu 2 lagi ramadhan.

Otherwise, kami buat resmi merah kami sendiri, let it go.


Let’s read this story for friday’s mood…

There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner.

As he was walking back he saw Grandma’s pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved! In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching!

Fatima had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch the next day Grandma said, ‘ Fatima , let’s wash the dishes.’ But Fatima said, ‘Grandma, Ahmed told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.’ Then she whispered to him, ‘Remember the duck?’ So Ahmed did the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, ‘I’m sorry but I need Fatima to help make supper.’

Fatima just smiled and said, ‘Well, that’s all right because Ahmed told me he wanted to help.’ She whispered again, ‘Remember the duck?’ So Fatima went fishing and Ahmed stayed to help.

After several days of Ahmed doing both his chores and Fatima ‘s, he finally couldn’t stand it any longer.

He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed  the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, ‘Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Fatima make a slave of you.’

Thought for the day and every day thereafter?

Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done… and the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.)…whatever it is…You need to know that Allah was standing at the window and He saw the whole  thing. He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven.

He’s just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you.

The great thing about Allah is that when you ask for forgiveness, He not only forgives you, but He forgets. It is by Allah’s grace and mercy that we are saved.

Go ahead and make a difference in someone’s life today. Share this with a friend and always remember: Allah is at the window!

Comment: 7