
Serverfreak – Merdeka Promotion!

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My New Dell!!!


alright make it short, since 2 wks ago pc lama gua sudah buat hal kaputtt kong kalikong, ai made one big decision to roll back my nuffnang income for a new set of pc, we chose Dell…sebab ada good discounts from our good fren, sirman’s good buddy actually. He works with Dell 🙂 Tq lion….

the new pc set is supposedly to reach VA in 2 weeks time, but wt Lion’s help, it got delivered in the morning of Thursday…wah ai like the services from Dell’s people.

yang benornya kan aku cakap ‘Lion, kalau delivery lambat, aku nak blogkan that Dell is sooooooo slowwwwww in service, aku x kira, get it deliver to my VA by Thursday’

tu behind the scene lah…apa pun kami redha lah kalo x deliver on thursday, but being Dell personnel, haruslah Lion make sure Red Diva tak kuorkan cerita Dell slow service bagai kan 🙂

i really need a new set, was thinking to get a cpu jer since monitor and kibod ku canggih lagi, tp sirman said he will send the old cpu for repair…can be used by Abang later on. and better to get a new set for me, some more, heading to full time blogger, apa salahnya kukuorkan sedikit duit nuffnang yang ku dpt utk blogging gak.

pusing2 baliklah kan….roll over sana sini, ke blog gak perginya 🙂

Comment: 10

My PC :( Kaputtt….!!

coz when ai got back home last nite from having dinner wt family,  my old cpu dah kaputtttttttttttttttt!!! sebenarnya kan, cpu aku ni dah 2 wks ni memang uzur, jap idup jap mati, tiba time blogging lagilah hangin dibuatnya x sempat nak save pelepapppppppppp dia tetiba padam.

kibod aku hok murah tu je not even 20, 30 hinggit, my mouse oso not from the expensive brand, my monitor yes comes from Samsung, ai like…tp cpu ni dari sirman hemm, bape lah usianya cpu ni yer. time to get a new one 🙁

so for the time being, sirman gave loan me his laptop, only for a while at nite lah buat blogging. sebab lembab no pakai wifi, dianto nye laptop ni terus connect  ke streamyx, bagi laju supaya aku x memekak napa slow sgt aku nak update entries for the next day kan kan kan….

taun lepas aritu cpu aku tu pun dah kong kan motherboard nye apa jadah ai oso donno lah, dah dpt ganti baru tp kali ni sirman said, my old cpu kena timbang kati buat perhiasan pokok kat balkoni..isk. banyak jasa cpu aku tu wpun nan ado brandnya.

so ai need to get a new cpu ….

to get a new one, ai have to buy, bertuah la kan orang nak bagi, kalo aku dpt free, kompem lalats sakit jiwa. so ai hv 2 options:

1. rolling balik duit income nuffnang yang dapat ribu raban tetiap bulan tu utk beli a new set

2. pakai ajer sirman nya laptop ni ha..yang annoying me, x suka laptop lah. aku x suka pakai laptop kat umahhhhhhhhhhh. ai m already using laptop in the office, but now again kalau nak pakai kat umah, so not me, x sedapppppppppp. desktop jugak pilihan hatiku.

Think mummy thinkkkkkk……..think firstttttt!!!

Comment: 4

Pulut Kuning…

jalan yang tutup di sekitar kl due to merdeka’s rehearsal menyebabkan saya sampai je dpt makan roti canai sejuk, hangit lak tuh 🙁 …… ok lah, saya ucapkan terima kasih via this blog to my fren yang dah sesiap kan roti canai ni atas meja, saya lambat. terima kasih.

itu penutup bfast di KLCC sebelum ramadhan.

they heard, they knew and what ai love is that, they dont hv to ask, aku lagilah x kuasa nak cakap in public. both are my blog readers too…

oh saya mahu buat kenduri pulut kuning, ingat tak bebulan dulu ada kubilang kalau kalau kalau… 🙂 oh bahagianya!!!

btw, personal caterer saya, yang telah berkhidmat bertahun-tahun utk open house ai, for my official event ke, makan2 ke, rendang di pagi hari pun, n also yang meniaga di bulan ramadhan yang sodap insyallah x sakit perut tu, pandai buat pulut kuning.

tetiba je aku rasa macam bahagianya bila bercakap pasal pulut kuning.

kerana kalau malas, rugi…

kalau dengki pun rugi…

kalau melawan cakap orang yang lagi tinggi darjat dari ko, lagilah rugi, x sayang rezeki gamaknya depa ni kan..

so marilah kita berpulut kuning 🙂

Oh today is Thursday, 2 kali dah ai cakap kan? hikss….

Comment: 3

The Hyppo…

bersempena dengan nak menyambut Ramadhan dan mengeratkan lagi ukhuwah sesame kita – look whos talking and sent that note? someone pregnant wt hippo attitude oh the one yang dulu janda and ex gro, wt her 5 gangs lah of course! ukhwah? ramadhan? ko buat memainkan Ramadhan kan…busuk hati piang sungguh 😛

they … yes they are trying so hard to ‘kick’ me out 🙂

but i m still here 🙂 …

hallu dude, come closer lah babe, why r u running away buat dari belakang jer? but apalah nak herankan, lelaki celcom pun pengecut inikan plak si rp, gro, myvi, pb and the gang…

main paksa2 depa suh contribute pulak, tapi sian gak kat my other 4 frens, …sorry girls, ai cant help u there, cakap je terus terang korang x nak contribute, oh kena paksa ye, org2 tu memang x malu, terjerit2 paksa suh org contribute, too badlah aku x leh nak cover your ass, coz yang bestnya… ai got to be in somewhere, SHOPPING!!!

i quoted la sket ye apa my honey cakap justttttt recently bout these people, they are the enemies, coz we are the bloody perfecto for them! yes about ‘that gang’ and bout that issue, of cos lah my honey  is in the loop for ething, tunggu masa jer nak piang depa tu, eh dah buat dah, tapi masih on going, forever kot!

ahah…joke of the day!!!

sweet huh?

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