
Red VS Blue…

the second game last nite, i was facing blue team. 2 games in a row..akak dah biasa dah yang oi. dulu aku main for wilayah, lagi hazab ok. tu pasal sapa suh aku main kat Midvalley yang beratus orang main tu, aku x kuasa….pengalaman ko either ko rajin nak masuk big event, or ko dok je lah layan pengalaman tu kat anak-anak jer. busuk2 pun dok lam sports carnival cam ni. aku bukan gila gelemer la hanjeng, tp ppl comes to me, and some more ai have to be famous so aku leh le jadi full time blogger. x paham lagi ke.

pandai kawan aku snap gambo gini, ok selain dr telling u a story bout my chess thingy, im helping my fren for his web too. berbulan dia mintak aku promote tp aku kan ala2 allergic je bila nak promote orang. u paham lah sebab musababnya. so since he s my REAL fren, and he s eagerly to snap these photos, why not i do a favour jugak to him. anw, my opponent for this 2nd game pun datang lam 3,5 min lambat.

malu ai tau u snap2 gambo while kepala otak aku ngah struggling to checkmate her. kawan sebelah aku tu dok berdiri, pasai dok tunggu opponent dia ilang entah ke mana, my oren partner ni menang wt timer, blue team anto orangnya lambat bebonar.

btw, i was expecting to meet Miss F for this game. F ke mana ko menghilang dik? no harm F, but i think u play better than your substitute. akak penah main ngan engko last year kan, so akak tau lah your level of chess yang oi. Ko bz ke ko cuti mc dik? Ms F is my silent reader…never ask me bout blog thingy, and i never ask her bout her blog, u see..we respect each other’s personal life.

my happy mood. aku ngah tunggu one more step jer to checkmate her. yes, i won this up dah 3 games aku menang. ai have another one last final game nxt wk, sapa suka kuning? ha i m meeting kuning nanti. Being Normal – for 3 years in a row jadi Ladies Champion, x kan x nak consider apa-apun? Nanti ko propose ek…beria la aku kan, menang belum abih lagi, dah berangan. takpe la berangan nak jadi excellent player dr cakap pusing2 tarak jalan jugak ada..

Stop talking bout chess, nxt week kita sambung balik. right now aku nak carik mana indoor shoes aku, ai nak pi training netball lah pulak. Thank you Seman for the sweet photos.

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Red VS Red Team…

i m red diva. but im not in the red team, everyone knows it. i m stucked in an Orange Team. tapi atas semangat bersukan, aku jalan gak lah…i ve done for futsal, chess is on going and soon is netball. so i waited my opponent, and my timer dah tiktoktiktok…

Red Diva is playing Red Team today..rasa macam lain je bunyik nya. tp nak wat gano. my opponent finally came..penat dia amik napas berlari, i guess she was late running from the meeting.

Botak the captain berbulu bila bukan aku jer yang gave the point, sending his team down, but my 2 other boys too…we won 3-0 wt Red Team. sorry botak, this game your team has no luck.

Amazing photos by my fren, Seman. distraction tau suh orang pose senyum2 masa orang ngah concentrating wt chess.

Next will be VS blue…see the result later.

Comment: 6

Sibuk mengaco…

aku yang sibuk ada game, dia yang sibuk main chess tau…

so kalo aku kalah, ada modallah sapa yang jadi penyebab aku kalahkan….

Comment: 4


im struggling wt my chess games at the moment. gonna meet red and blue team tomorrow eve, tuesday. yes darling for new readers i m stucked in an Orange Team…not my call.

this is going to be round 3 and 4, individually count, i won for the first round got bye for the 2nd round.

aku ni kan esok nak lawan malam ni la baru hegeh2 nak main chess…

my pc is conqured by sirman, so i hv to use the bagak laptop from the hall..

ramai nak tau camne aku training kan, i play in yahoo chess, enter my yahoo id and get access to Social Lounge. beratus ribu manusia yang gilakan chess around the world are playing there. i open up a table wt 1 min timer, an opponent will sit and we click play. lepas tu lintang pukang la move as fast as we can since main seminit timer kan.

i choose to play wt 1 min timer, coz aku nak push hard my brain to move and think faster. though in my real game tomorrow, timer is 25min.

wish me luck! muahsss..

Comment: 8

Chess – 1 down…


aku sampai sejam awal tp aku dok bz kat atas, buat kerojer ler…turun betul2 ngam2 at 6pm, Persatuan Catur Malaysia’s committee dah tunggu for a short briefing. Uncle PCM tu dah 3 taun berturut2 layan kerenah chess game kami di sini…orangnya baik. aku x suka lawan ngan dia…hiks, kalo memain chess aku selalunya main x serious. cam biasalah dia pujuk aku lagi join PCM buat volunteer job. nantilah uncle, ai pikir2, last year nya pikir pun aku x bg lagi jawapan . very the long term pikir…..kannnnn


wt my 2 oren boys…depa kalah la u for this first game. ada lagi 3 ke 4 games to go, nxt week is for the 2nd round. ai menang…aku main hitam. feng shui aku mmg handal la in white, sekali gua kena main black board..nangissss x nangis main gak lah.

i won wt timer, dia main lembab sgt, anw i got 2nd queen too. dia tinggal seketul pawn wt king ajer. kalo timer dia banyak lagi, aku leh kejar dia to checkmate. i wanted to elaborate more bout my game wt my opponent but i better zip my mouth! anw one of the opponents reads my blog…hi F, kita jumpa next week ye!

balik umah amik abang je dah kol 8 lebih, terus masak kalikong kat dapur, lauk yg aku masak pg td aku panaskan utk dinner, tp aku kena gak siapkan rencah utk masak di pagi rabu pulak…

sirman picked up gegirl, sampai umah betul2 nak midnite, keluar balik coz nak isi minyak kereta aku..dia dah perasan dah nak E tapi dia x isikan, so dr pagi2 buta kena isikan minyak keter bininya, haruslah dia keluar malam buta coz x larat dah dia nak keluar awal sgt…

terima kasih for the good luck wishes yang korang bagi for my chess tournament….but all pls dont get too excited, i have another 3,4 games to go darling.


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