ServerFreak berwajah baru!



This is Sam with his lovely wife. Tokey ServerFreak, the web hosting company yang host dan sponsor yours truly blog ni 🙂 Pejam celik dah bertahun-tahun kita stick together-together. Ada dalam 6-7 tahun kalo tak silap.

So both of them sempat datang mai beraya to our Red House baru-baru ni. Basically our relationship bukan sekadar between web hosting provider and client, tapi dah more than that. Normally we try to catch up with each other setahun sekali kalo sempat. Bercerita macam-macam dari citer blog sampai cerita anak-anak hiks


Tengok gaya si Sam tu bercerita, beria-ia kan 🙂 Actually dia bercerita pasal his newly redesign website

The new design ni nampak lebih simple, clean and easy to navigate. Especially for non-IT person yang ingin mencuba webhosting sendiri, design site baru ini much more straight forward. Senang nak cari informasi yang diperlukan. Contohnya berapa harga web hostingnya, juga ada perbandingan antara each package dari package basic until ultimate package, nak register new domain pun senang dan macam-macam lagi.


Dan dari segi reliability pula no need to worry la. As I said, dah dekat 6-7 tahun berhosting di ServerFreak, stabil dan laju, so far so good. Of cos la ada hiccup kecil here and there, but the support is superb. Within short period of time boleh setel dah. Event odd hours pun Akak jerit depa mai tolong betulkan, very fast response and quick action 😀


Kalo korang cakap Akak bias, boleh baca sendiri testimonials dari customer yang lain 😉

Anyway, nice job on the new design Sam. Terima kasih sudi datang beraya, next time bring your hero too hehehe.

Those yang nak berwebhosting sendiri, personally Akak highly recommend ServerFreak. Btw Sam, sempena new design ni, takde apa-apa promotion ke? 😀


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