Bersama Mak Merah

Bersama Mak Merah

Assalamualaikum Kak Red;

Saya nak mintak tolong Kak red,kot-kot lah ada your readers yang nak jual handphone Nokia 6610. Saya nak sangat handphone ni tapi hat second hand je lah. Dia ada dua jenis tau,satu Nokia 6610 sahaja dan lagi satu Nokia 6610i, yang saya nak ni Nokia 6610 sahaja tau. Budget saya untuk handphone yang second hand ni adalah dari RM100 hingga RM 150.Sebab ni phone lama dan kat kedai cari pun susah nak dapat.Sesapa yang boleh tolong…tolong yer dan kalau ada tolong email kat saya dekat email address ni,

Thank You

Suraya dari

Comment: 0

Bersama Mak Merah

kak red,
saya simpati dengan bloggers yang kena terminated baru2 ni akibat blog depa terlebih makan daging korban…

Atas rasa simpati tu, saya mencari2 kaedah untuk menyelamatkan entry2 yang dah kita post ke blog…

So sila Kak Red expose link saya kat atas nun, bagi yang tak tahu camana nak back up, sila laa rujuk…

semoga info ini amat bermakna

Due to terminated yang semakin menjadi² skang ni, tetiba plak aku terjumpa satu function kat dalam setting blog iaitu Import & Export.

So aku cuba test try & error… rupanya blog kita ni boleh save, atau boleh export ke blog kita yang laen… Aku dah cuba buat pakai WordPress.

Blog wordpress ni sebagai backup sahaja..(jangan komen apa² kat sini) aku tak yakin aku akan guna ni as my permenant blog tu menggantikan blogspot yang semakin menggila sebab aku find out function dia sangat laa susah dan gadget dia sangat laah limited… TAK SYOK!!!

Tapi atas sebab aku nak keluar dari blogspot, in case blogspot ni dah nak backrupt or what so ever…. that’s why for temporary aku pakai wordpress… At least aku masih ada SEMUA entry aku selama ni… Dan kalau aku nak export balik entries aku dari wordpress ke blogger laen pun, takde masalah!

Check it out!!


BMM nih related to entry satu nih ngan entry 2 nih kay…kisah blog korang yang kena removed kaboom boommmmm dek blogger 🙁

sapa perasan, kita dah ada ICT Bersama Sirman 🙂

Comment: 9

Bersama Mak Merah…

hai sis

hari ni frust sgt bila found out that dah kena removed. (termasuk mami punya bisnes blog mami tk tahu knp dan mcmana blh jadi mcm tu. sedih sgt coz semua perkara yg berlaku dalam 1 tahun hilang begitu saje. diari pembesaran lily dah tk ada lagi. cerita daripada lily kecil hingga dah pandai berlari skrg hilang sekelip mata. feel like crying but i’m at the office. very down today.

please sis tolong sebarkan e-mail di bawah yg mami jumpa kt blgger punya troubleshooting. e-mail ni org hantar dimana masalah dia sama dgn mami. Rupanya ramai sudah terkena.

sebarkan supaya org lain yg sayangkan blog masing2 berbuat sesuatu segera spt back up blog, save copy atau pindah ke free blog host lain atau dptkan sendiri.

belum tahu lagi sama ada mami akan teruskan blogging atau tidak. Thanks mami menumpang di sini.

kpd sesiapa yg masih ingin berhubung dgn mami bolehla e-mail me okey. i sayang semua

thewarblogger View profile

Dec 8, 3:52 am

Hi all,
I, like many of you, have had my blog locked and removed due to a false spam accusation by Google’s flawed spiders/spambots. Having invested a fair amount of time into my blog, I was alarmed, and followed the steps they list to have it unlocked — almost a week later, no progress.

I also did a search on the topic here (you should too), and found out that thousands upon thousands of people have had this issue for the past 6 months, with not one posting back to say their blog was permanently unlocked. Some people have had their blogs locked for months, with no response or action from Google. Others have had it unlocked, just to have it locked again repeatedly. The long and short of it is that many people have lost their blogs permanently, with no recourse and no interest on the side of Google of putting it right.I think the writing is on the wall — blogger is a broken product.I’m not sure why Google is doing this, but I suspect they are clamping down on any blogs not using their Adwords product, or who aren’t turning a profit for them. Now that the economy is turning sour,they’re doing whatever they can to chuck people who are using their server space and free accounts without giving them some sort of profit
in return. I see no evidence that the spam bot is doing anything to reduce spam on their blogs, but I do see it pissing off a bunch of real-life people with real-life blogs, people who invested a lot of personal time and love into their blog, trusted Google with the irintellectual property, only to be screwed and locked out.

Even Google apologist nitecruzr has stopped responding to these threads — I’m sure he knows it’s hopeless, that Google has essentially screwed the pooch with this one but won’t put things right. Just as it is wrong for just one innocent man to be convicted, it is wrong for just one non-spam blog to be shut down in the name of fairly harmless spam blogs, but apparently not to Google, who is “convicting” thousands of us without appeal, without recourse, and with no respect to our rights. This spam thing is a red herring, there is some other reason why they are doing this, because otherwise why piss off so many normal bloggers? I think they don’t want the bad PR of revoking a free blog product that they can’t afford anymore, so instead, they brand us as “spammers,” then use the excuse of “we’re so very busy” to not ever reactivate us. Pure BS, and a very transparent excuse I think we can all see through.

Don’t waste any more of your time on this — get a new blog somewhere else, there are several free blog hosts out there, including Unfortunately they don’t have the bells, whistles, and flexibility we love with Blogger, but what good is blogger if it just keeps getting locked up and stealing your posts? Spread the word, tell your friends, don’t let them suffer like we have. Google reaps what it sows, and they’re killing the free blog movement.

MOmmy Lily

**put this in Bersama Mak Merah’s folder lah yer.

Comment: 19

Bersama Mak Merah

Salam Kak & Happy holiday

Begini saya telah mendapat offer berkerja di Panosonic.Masalahnya saya perlu pendapat akak dan readers2 akak mengenai beberapa perkara yg menjadi masalah yg buat saya dlm dilema skg……………

– Saya perlu memberi notis 2 bln jika resign dari tempat skg dimana Panosonic tidak dpt wait for me.Jika saya berhenti krg dari 2 bln saya perlu bayar blk kpd co skg ni.

– Patukah saya berhenti dai tempat skg kerana saya dgr cerita Panosonic akak ditutup,jadi itu yg buat saya delima.

Saya telah buat solat istikarah dan masih lagi tidak jelas petunjuknya,saya berharap dgn pendapat anda di luar sana dpt bantu kekusutan saya,kerna saya tidak mau tersalah langkah lagi.


Comment: 5

Bersama Mak Merah

Salam Kak Red, sya EO.

Silent reader blog Kak Red. Sya ada prob besar. Air mata ni dah lama berchucuran..sampai dah kering dah. Terus terang sya kata, sya ni tak lawo..pendek kata agak gemuk. (tinggi 160cm, berat 75kg). Sya ni tak kisah mulut orang lain, tapi ibunda sya dah terlalu ringan mulut “melezerkan” fizikal sya. Kata, tak cantik lah, patutlah susah dapat bf..sehingga la ke tahap dia malu nak berjalan berdua dengan sya. sebagai anak, sya memang sedih gila bila mak sendiri kata sya macam ni. Hina sangat ke sya ni?

Bukan sya tak pernah berusaha nak kuruskan badan, tapi mana bole hari ni tegur, esok badan sya dah jadi 55kg.

Skarang ni hati sya dah terlalu kecil apatah lagi jauhh sgt. Nak balik rumah pun malas. *sya duduk rumah sewa* Tapi ibunda pasti akan marah kalau tak balik. Bila balik, dia pasti pandang sya atas bawah..asal tak cukup dan tak kena pada mata dia, sya pasti kena bambu..

Sya ni sedih sebab umur dah meningkat..lagi 5 tahun nak cecah 30. Tapi ibunda sya layan sya macam budak2 kecik. Itu tak boleh ini tak boleh. Hanya sebab fizikal sya mcm ni, semua kebaikan sya dah tertutup.

Apa perlu sya buat? hati ni sedih sgt..mcm mana sya nak berhdapan dengan ibunda sya kalau macam ni? Sya tak mahu jadi anak derhaka tapi hati sya..siapa yang nak jaga?

Anak gemuk yg dilema,
EO 🙁

Comment: 25