Bersama Mak Merah

Bersama Mak Merah

kak red..i need your opinion…saye de mslh ngn my hubby..kitorng dok seperate he’s in mlk and i kat kl..die keje kat mlk and baru je smbg blj wat diploma kat sane..i study lagi so i dok ngn my parents..we all kawen when i buat my dip and now i continue my deg and another 1 year to finish..we have a son dah 2thn umur die..skang nih prob coz ari tu we have a fight and die mintak i benti belajar and duduk ngn die and family die kat mlk if not die nk we all tak de hubungan..d prob is i decided to smbg blj sbb for my son nye future and using my scholar to support duit anak..the problem i tak nk duduk ngn die kat sane because of financial as he doesnt affort to support duit anak and everything..slme nye he only give 100 per month and tu pon lepas satu tin susu je..all this while my parents yang banayk tolong…what should i do kak red?i nk sgt abeskan deg and then tinggal ngn die..


Comment: 6

Bersama Mak Merah

Continuation from Yinie’s BMM

hi kak..pls thank them for their comments and kata smangat…i appreciated it so much.

as for my mom, actually me n my sis are afraid wen she is left alone without doin nothing…y? coz she tends to cry ..wen she look at my youngest son she’ll cry..he has my father’s look. mana taknye..i tgh sarat ngandung wen things worsen..oh! how i hated him, kak.. for doin so to mom but same time i felt relieved, after all these years mom tersiksa memendam rasa, now she’s free…she has all the penyakit wat they call the package, high blood, kencing manis (insulin cucuk sndiri) n jantung. dat wat worries me..there are times she said she wants to kill herself, yg ni mmg mguji. kak.. now u can imagine how i felt wen i dunno her whereabouts. she’s been saying again n again after my sis completes her studies she’ll take her own life.. how i wish i could turn back time…so dat they can still live happily till father never wants my mom back.its over for him. he said he wants to be free, to live his life he happy??!!where dat ugly bitch.kak i got her name n ic no.huh (wat evil thing can we do to her…uz joking)

my wish n prayers was dat my father could open his heart for mom again , juz to remarry but never mind if they cant live together but juz to take care of her…

and for this housemate of mine…yesterday i packed my things , letak dpn pintu nak buh dlm kete la..imagine i p back n forth tak sorg pn offer nk tlg. pangai i pn kalo org centu lagi i nk test..saja tak mo minta tlg..nk tgk akal meke…tp akhirnya i angkat sndri buh dlm kete cabut anto gi umah baru..the rest kendian la nk angkat skit2..dgn nasihat spupuku n after reading all d comments i dpt smangat baru, so today dgn slambenye kata i want to take all my things today to my new house..lantak ler pe meke nk kata selfish ker hapa…hey those things are i nk dok dgn tenang dlm dunia i dgn housemates yg insyaallah sungguh menenangkan..

p/s : mmg relieved giler kak after pindah smua brg td..


Comment: 3

Bersama Mak Merah

hi kak, hepi belated besday…wah…sonok nye dpt dating dgn sirman tanpa anak2..

i havent had d chance to tell u what actually is going on with my life now..

dis month genap 1 year my parents were the age of 62. It was so sad to have a broken family , same goes to my brother and elder sister they are to seperated.kesian ank2 buah ku.. i’m so scared for this to happen to me and husband..simpang malaikat 44.

since april i havent talked to my mother, coz of little misunderstanding on how i brought up my sons. Actually i’m not there to help my hubby besarkan anak2 since january except for school holidays.. i’m in kedah studing until this december. dia terasa ati about the incident , actually she came to stay at my house dat was during my two weeks school based experience at a school near my house. it ended up only for a night when she asked hubby to sent her back to bro’s house. she been avoiding my bro too..this means dat she lock herself in her room when my bro comes home from work and the only time she’ll come out is when he’s gone for work. After this while she never answers my call or reply my sms. hati kering skit my mom ni. i know she depress but never wanna talk or see her sister or other relatives. she afraid of what people would say about her being a widower.

let’s ct it short, last night my youngest sis called and told me my mom is back at bro’s place..4 days after her besday. maybe coz my sis came back to malaysia for her holidays.

all this time i was so worried, angry , upset, frustrated for not being able to talk to her and help her but i’m happy today to know that she’s ok and she looks fine.

there’s more to spill out but it would take me hours to do so.. and sure a bucket full of tears..n i dun have that much time now since i’m trying to prepare a whole week’s lesson plan..huhu.

i’m here away from hubby n i dun trust my friends here anymore.. they are not sincere enough for me..more specifiic BACK STABBER and i’m stuck for 3 months with the MASTERMIND. eii benci bila teringat how she manipulates other friends to hate me..mulut manis kak..kaki bodek ngampu!! sumtimes she sounds very rude to our seniors.

kak!! byk nye nk luah…tensen nye..takde sapa kat sini..i’m being left out from my own clique. i was d own who asks for sumones help to make sure we all dpt sekolah dkt dgn town n setempat so dat we can stay d 4 of us together n now they are moving out. i got a place to rent near my school but atleast ajak2 ayam pn ok la. ni kita hint, meke wat bodo je..

i’m planning to stay in hostel after the practical n i can pull sum strings to do so.actually in my list their names were in but this time they need to do it themselves ,bior lepas pewot aku sorg dah ler..mampuih p ler meke..evil kan..

haha dah bejela warkah ku ini kak, maybe next time i sambung lik..huhu..

gud nite


** Bila BMM keluar, readers to give advise comments on the story, not kak red**

Comment: 7

Bersama Mak Merah

assalamualaikum kak red. help me wif this.

aan ader masalah sket ngan tmpt keje ni. ok, i have a fren, same jawatan ngan aan. but the prob is, i dunno la, die ni nmpk ‘baik’ but lame2 menyampah + meluat + marah segale le..

kitorang ni as a tutor kene cari tmpt utk belajar kt luat negare. still carik lagik. die dpt dah, kat uk. then kecoh, kepoh nak carik plak kat aussie. lantak ko la..masalah nye die ni mcm sengaja nak show off. geram tau. rasa nak kerat doploh aje la org cenggini. gedik2 plak tuh. kitowang malas nak dgr die membebel, kitowang ckp ah, gi dulu interview yg uk tuh, jgn yg dikejar x dpt, yg dikendong berciciran . die kate, org atas (die mmg suke nak kate die ni baik ngan segale org atas) soh die apply us la, hape la padahal die minat nak gi aussie sejak dulu kala. ele, dulu ckp ngan saye, xberminat pon nak tgk aussie. yg saya tau, die skang ni ‘baik’ dgn sorg mamat ni (sudah berkeluarga yer…) yg dah fly gi aussie. dan dan ni pulak kate minat…bluekkkkkkkk!!! nak muntah saya

dahla perempuan ni penimbul masalah saya ngan housmet saya.

ape patot saye buat ngan pompuan cenggini?ader tahap saya marah tuh, saya ckp : mcm pompuan jalang!!geram tau kak. ngan laki, kate x suke la itula, mengutuk la..belakang kite layan. wekkkk!!dah kantoi, lari cepat2. bodow punye pompuan

Comment: 9

Bersama Mak Merah…


sorry la.supposed hari slase kan? halal je la ek.

sbenarnye kak..i nk kata ada problem tu..tkde la.

tp orang yang ada problem ngan i. last week ke bile ntah, i dpt email, pompuan ni gf kpade ex i.dia nk tgk my bf.. i mcm errrk? ko sape kan? i kata takde gmba..mmg i takde gmba pun.klu ada pun perlukah? then bila dia tk dpt gmba bf i mula la dia kecoh sekampung..

kata i mcm2… siap copy paste entry i letak kat blog dia..hangen btol la.. tp i malas nk layan..dia ckp i sial la, tk btamadun la. i marah gila la kan.. sapa yang tak btamadun? ko dhla blaja x tgi..adeh..tension i kak…

Ain Jeziraj

Comment: 5