
4 Years on 9 September 2008

before ai post my usual entries, let s share a little bit of our mini celebration AGAIN for gegirl birthday on the eve before 9 Sept yesterday

this is the second celebration for 4 of us only, the first one was held kat umah mak 2 days before wt her cousins

she wants a mini cake, only for her

4 candles to complete the package of the choc cake

4 years ago, ai delivered gegirl via normal delivery, no epidural etcs

3.16kg, very fair baby with chinese look, more to sirman lah gitu

abang gave a present to his sis (sebab abang takde duit, he selongkar toys dia bagai, and wrap it up in the yellow sponge bob’s bag, very creative abang)

Semoga Gegirl kurang2 lah sentap tu…

there will be another 2 celebrations for her, one kat sekolah one lagi kat ha tungguuuu….

Thanks again, from Gegirl to redmummy’s readers.

enjoy gegirl’s birthday song only for you…

Comment: 48

Red Day…

monday, it s not a good day to me…hiksss

though my fren in office told me that one big great news is waiting for me 🙂

took gegirl before we went to clinic, my sis kidnapped her to my other sis’s house

dahlah pala aku ngah pening badan dah mula suam

balik umah terus kong berselubung, dek penangan ubat

tapi aku kena bangun x sampai pun an hour after that…

it s my gegirl’s birthday eve, x leh lelembik, harus melawan

bukan tetiap ari bday anak aku datang…

tq for the birthday wishes for my little princess

she has something for all of you on her birthday day,  got 2 you tube videos some more

stay tune 🙂

you will like it!

Comment: 12

Red Big Family Buka Puasa…

macam nak pi beraya….

she loves taking photo

tapi mukanya angin sentap bila abang and sirman dok ngaco kami bergambo

pujuk memujuk ha baru dia ok sket…

we had a buka puasa session at our mom’s hse

some more mak is leaving for umrah soon, that lady is our adik angkat, makabah’s anak angkat aka nana’s bestfren

semua anak cucu mak abah joint this event except my big bro yang sulong, as usual along aku tu banyak hal politik negara yang sibuk dia kulu kilirkan. kami dah redha dah talak heran.

also celebrating the 6 kiddies birthdays

abang nya bday lambat lg tapi nama pun bebudak kan, mestilah nak celebrate sama

x kisah lah bape orang budak pun semua sekali celebrate though the names ada 6

no matter what ppl said, umah mak abah aku buruk or etcs, ai dont give a damn, they are my beloved parents and family. at the end, keluarga kita darah kita sendiri, not the fake family yang songsang (ai donno, someone stressed me to mention this). apa yang songsang pun aku tau tp x yah lah kita elaborate.

Di bulan yang mulia Ramadhan ini, saya bukanlah nak cakap saya sangat baik so on, tapi doa ibu seperti saya yang dah teraniaya, dapat pulak nak attack kat sirman and NOW GOES TO MY KIDS!!!! apa yang kita cakapkan akan dibalikkan pada kita semula. i was once oh noo..still happening been caruting  by lalats, then they attack my sirman n few days ago, the gang use my kids (condemn kutuk bagai). awak2 yang bercakap tu belum ada anak, begini ye, saya ulang lagi, sama ada satu hari Allah will balikkan kata2 kamu itu pada anak2 kamu satu hari nanti. atau worse, you wont be having any kids at all, if you keep using /condemning other ppl kids in your comment/ entry.

Satu hari aku jumpa gak diorg face to face, tangan yang lama bersabar ni akan naik jugak. Never play with fire, and never play with redmummy’s family. Aku dah lepaskan anjing yang menyalak bukit, tapi x bermakna aku biarkan talinya diungkai.

Salam Ramadhan to my readers.

For those yang always standing next to us, the Red Family…ai appreciate it so much. For accepting us in your life, reading the red blog. Tok Ti pun hidup orang suka dan org x suka apatah lagi ai the Red Diva!


Comment: 22

Doll for DollyGirl…

Gegirl’s birthday is next week 9th Sept

but this makwe had been bugging for her birthday present like emm since a week ago

all the kain baju kasut selipar bag from Bangkok for her, she said that s not birthday present

(engko dok umah ngan makcik engko, banyak lak songeh ko skang kan..very the demanding)

so ai got her this Doll from this entry

yes she surfed the toys r us web, to look for her birthday present

n me yang kerja kat KLCC had to go down to get the one that dia dah pilih telek

life is very simple huh?

the kids surfed googled, and parents kena pi beli


abang monyok bengang coz he didnt get his birthday present

we bought one for him from Hero, not so expensive macam yang birhtday girl dapatlah kan..

tapi tetapppppppp gak muncung

tunggu your birthday lah bang

gonna get too

siap lah mandi ngan doll nya set bagai wuihaiiiiii!

siang sabtu, she bangun mandi ngan doll and all the maknek toys bagai…

sampai bapaknya halau, daddy nak mandi lah, get outttttttttttttt!

gambo gegirl of course ai have to censor!

Comment: 10

I want baby doll!

ai m so broke, aterr spent so much kat Bangkok kan..

so ai need some cash in hand now

this is the doll that ms gegirl been asking for her birthday

she (by helping from her parents lah of cos) surfed the Toys R Us web, and dia dok mengidam this toy

This cost RM74.95

called her terus suh amik yang lain

aku rasa tak berbaloi to take that one if ai can get cheaper price n lagi banyak benda in the doll set

so by using my ‘mother’s power’ ai got this at only RM62.90 .

lagi jimat…

ai m so a good spender…


wow, where s my Eclipse Card…ai need new shoes for this week 🙂

Comment: 4