
Red Little Girl…


little girl is not well, so she didnt go to school today. I asked her to take her puff puff, dia tau la apa mende ni…

aku tengok camne dia buat semua tip top, except she x pandai lagi press the inhaler. lepas pakai pun dia pandai bukak simpan balik.


hope she feels better…smile for yr aunties and uncles in mom’s blog pls..

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Red Gegirl…



aunties and uncles rindu gegirl ye…very the little diva tak pose gegirl ni?



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Red for Santai Cafe…


the saturday is so so so bloody bz day. lepas je balik dari tuition class abang, we went to Tapai Semaian, kira makcik angkat aku nye kedai pokok tanaman segala bagai la kat BTR tu.

Kak Latipah from Spore wanted to meet me, but i really cant make it. i m catching deadline! so we went to quick dinner, at Santai Cafe new restaurant baru bukak kat Taman Tasik Permaisuri, betul2 depan VA umah aku tu. very the sepelaung. maaf sesangat ye kak, i will qada next time, u know the reason already kan kak…


i had a bowl of mushroom soup, just soup. mine one is good, sedap. sirman had the steak, dia cakap x sedap. kids aku tapaukan chicken wing coz dema suma x nak makan kat situ, nak tapau bawak balik. and they are happily with their new toys, senapang pang pang for abang and doctor’s set for gegirl.


x sampai sejam we dah ca alit but.. manyak menda aku nak buat kat umah tu.


bertukang, berkemas, menyelongkar… for segala mak nenek meghah.



btw, sirman minum black kopi dia cakap rasa cengkih! hiks… n my teh tarik mmg sodapp, lagi sodap dr Penang Mari TTDI. sesapa nak try, jemputlah datang, roger2 lah aku ye kot aku leh join sekaki.

kalo roger nak suh aku bayarkan, baik x yah…maklumlah aku ni banyak sejarah kena ketuk, so sangat2 sensitip ler skang ni.

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Red Gegirl…

upload image ni memanjangkan badan anak aku plak…


dia pun nak gak belajar pi tuition cam abangnya, kulu kilir bawak kaler pencel ngan colouring booknya. colour box tu abangnya punya, tu psl blue karer….


shes actually waiting for her mom to get a new dress.. the 3 of them got their new shirts already, and the mom always be last person to get a new one, specially for the special occasion.


even she has finished colouring the drawings, maknye masih lagi in the changing room…i tried few dresses, and i m still not sure what should i take..

actually kan, doesnt matter new dress or old shirts, bila dah kaler merah, orang tak tau itu baju baru ke lama tau… sbbnya, segobok penuh kaler tu jer..


and back to gegirl, she got CNY’s angpau from the owner of this boutique. 🙂




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