
Good news!!!

i was lying around, took my afternoon nap after having my netball tournament.

at 245pm, i received the IMPORTANT call!! Alhamdulillah…i got what I want and I will reveal everything once it goes official.

oh what happened to my netball? hiks..

Number 4 la babe, out of 6. kalah u!

Talking bout my BIG and IMPORTANT call tu, tengah tidur terus terbangun meloncat tau bila tepon bunyik. Tak sudah2 aku dok menyengih senyum simpul.

Now please excuse me, I need to get a body massage. Sakit tau badan ni..penat main dari pagi tadi x abih lagi. Aku mintak depa 3 massage badan aku, lagi makin sakit depa buat. sedap je gegirl loncat2 kat belakang badan mak dia, adoii!

Hajat hati nak tidur membuta sampai petang, bila dah sengih jer…hiks, blogging la kita, yes i tot to take a short break, that was before i got d call!

lalalalalalalalala…alah syoknya. sukanyaaaaaaaaaa!

Update: i played this netball tournament kat Stadium Juara, Bukit Kiara.

Comment: 16


I m looking for a private button in this domain, but donno where letak nya…


im taking a short break.

Comment: 2

Mom and daughter…

the big one belongs to the mother, the smallest one, gegirl lah yang punya.

i bought mine during Redken’s big promotion at KLCC years ago, Gegirl punya was a gift from her grandmom, my mom bought from Mekah.

ni isi perut make up box gegirl. kan aku cakap VS body splash tu jadi harta dia…getah2 rambut pun lam tu lah. dah makin kurang, pagi aku ikatkan rambut dia, balik umah nenek, ditinggalkannya and tah ke mana ilang. so aku sorok tempat lain getah baru, and bila dah sikit lam ni aku tambahlah …. budak kecik ni pantang nampak yang baru sume nak disebat msk lam box ni.

maknya x yah bukak bg nengoklah…blushers, lipstick yang aku kepoh beli taun lepas, jewelery sets n hapa2 lagilah lam tu.. normal thing that girls always have jer.

Comment: 4

This Weekend…

I m gonna have netball tournament tomorrow morning.


but tu tak per..x kisah. i m actually so looking forward for one BIG call! I m expecting a call from someone this weekend…

Ya Allah, I hope this is going to be a very good news…all pls doa for me too!

kena sangkut hp kat leher le jawabnya…hiks!

n bestnya kan…x de training lansung, tup2 esok nak msk netball court, duh!

Comment: 8

I m loud!

i m so truly tired…

i was supposed to be in Menara for at least an hour, but stranded for 1 whole day.

Bloody parking services, they shut down all parkings due to big mtg, when i said big…it s VERY BIG!!! my fans in Menara..ngape le korang x ckp kat aku ada BIG meeting tu..halahai.

3 kali aku pusing menara carik parking….nan ado. terpaksa aku parked tepi jalan jer. jauhhhhhhhhhhhh masyallah. jauh sesangatttttt….duh.

di dalam perjalanan kaki ku melangkah from the parking tu ke menara, siap jumpa sungai lagi.

aku takde mood la nak blogging right now. but i ve posted few entries for tomorrow, and now, i want to lie down and have a good sleep.

Sorry gang, skang is not a good time for you to make fun of the serious thing. Ada gak aku campak engko lam sungai atas tu.

Aku fed up kan apa pun aku x tau, there s a reason but i cant tell you. Looking forward for my sweet memories, remember bout my happy mood last week, lambatnya aku leh revealkan kat korang…

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