Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah


as much i wanted to write; i kept on deleting the contents.

Bonda tercinta saya or known as Mak Ajah telah pulang ke rahmatullah pada hari Jumaat 17 Jan 2020 baru2 ini jam 11.48am di PPUM at d age of 74yo.

My brother in law, my sister Nana and I were with her during her final moments. Mak had been admitted for about 11 days and everyday during lunch break I went to d hospital to feed her / look after her. Im redha for her leaving but im still adapting my life without her.

Allahyarhamah Hajjah Patimah Amir telah disemadikan di Melaka, kampung kelahirannya (arwah and Abah’s request) pada hari Jumaat juga.


Ya Allah; Kau berikanlah syurga buat ibuku, dan ditempatkan bersama-sama orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh..


I ll come back to write more about her ‘journey’.

Comment: 25

Sis ada, hello :)


Hello, assalamualaikum

Lots of you have been looking for me since i deactivate my instagram. Lama dah, sebulan lebih dah gak lah. Thanks, ada gak yang masih mencarik sis yg kertu ni hehehee…i ll be back, but donno when, just yet.

Lots of things jadi during my ‘vacation’. like a lot!

so i campak bit story sket lah lam nih since orang dok carik sis kat IG pun x jumpa kan.

But u can find me at @thecatsofredmummy / sometimes i ada mood i post stories kat situ gak.  I x block anyone pun kat my @redmummydotcom ‘s ig, saya cuma rehat kejap jer from any socmed.

So let s do some #riaktakburs



Been looking for this red prada lanyard for over a year. landed at Prada KLCC and sis terus grabbed. Konon sempena the day i delivered my 18th yo son 🙂


Then sis beli kak ferra gak, ada vip sales before they do the opening sales for public

but sis x amik yg lam gambar ni

i took the bling bling jelly one


pahtuh, kita ada buat kenduri doa selamat for my mak ajah, she turned 74yo baru ni

she s not well. she s having dementia, stroke etcs, she s one time yang very cheerful and talkative peramah all, but tu lah, kesihatan sangat menyusut skang ni

doa2 kan for my mak ajah yer (my abah too).


my laki pun turns 46, 2 months ago. Bila Apple bukak pre order for Apple Watch Series 5, sis pun terus booked gak. after 1-2 weeks mendarat sampai, and sis terus lah hadiahkan kat suami. Suka la dia, worth to max betul beli this watch. ngan aku pun sama tergoda, i wanted this gak. Tu msg kat jam dia tu, saja aku testing for the first time, terus I WANT MONEY. hah….nak duit plsssss

we went for vacation too, local jer. coz laki sis kan masa anak2 cuti, dia plak study/exam (he s doing pjj) so memang jgn berangan la obedesi bagai dah….ada je lagik riaktakbur, but nantilah. kira hebatlah sis update blog ni tau.

those yang msg akak over whatsapp, carik jumpa sis kat klcc bagai, komen kat blog ni gak,  msg laki/anak2 kak red to get in touch with me, mana kak red menghilang bagai…hahahah ado jer. alhamdulillah.

diet socmed 🙂

diet badan tak jalan2, kita buat diet lain, jimat hp battery pun ye gak  😛

Comment: 13

The end of PT3…


Nice moment

to be kept in this blog

anak2 PT3 ends their day in the exam hall by doing the Sujud Syukur and one of them is my daughter – Kakak or also dulu known as Gegirl. Sweet 15, just turned 15yo Sept 9th lepas.

Semoga anak-anak ini dalam rahmat Allah sentiasa.

For record, my daughter is in one of the islamic boarding schools.


Comment: 8

Preloved Trampoline…



Selling this, pakai alahai, bape kali je pun. N it comes to sesakness to the house. Kalau dulu sis boleh la lelompat, but now memang tak lah.

So those looking for trampoline , suka exercise kat rumah, nak mengurus hah this is for you. I bought at one Fitness Concept Pavillion around RM800-1k++ I think, but selling at RM500. It comes with the supportive bar. Boleh bukak katup lah if nak buat car to car transfer. Ini bukan yg ko lompat dia bergerak bagai kay, ni mmg statik and sangat sesuei or you yang into sports, indoor at home.

Please wassap me +6019 320 6264 if keen to buy. Oh i think the sizing is 55#.


Comment: 1

Good bye Fendi!

Sembang pasal cats lah yeah.

Im a Double C lovers  – Chess and Cats!



So last year, my girl Ferra, got pregnant; and dapat 6 kitties (3 died, and 3 survived). I named them, Anya, Bottega and Fendi. Fendi is a male, lagi 2 tu betinas. On top, I ada Bel (ni BSH my most magnet), beza Bel and the trio 2 months jer, so Bel memang kamcing rapat lah ngan bebudak trio tu. Chanel and LV pun masih ada lagi. I raised them well. I give them tip top high end food, dry and wet. I bagi pasir kucing mahal gak – Odourlock. I groomed them, once a month ada dedicated groomer datang to bath and bersihkan depa top to toe lah. Coz I love cats…pasainya. Jaga bebetullah, bukan main simpang siuor jaga.

Oh i pun ada bela stray cat, Gucci. She was at first my laki yang feed her, dia datang daily kat our porch. So after almost a month being fed, lam Ramadhan aritu i suh dia bwk masuk lah. Biar jaga dia properly. so sent Gucci to vacci bagai, just that, she cannot get along with the other 7 still. Lepas sebulan lebih pun dok serumah, still no way for them to get along. So my all 7 jadi stress. In the meantime; a week, 2 after Gucci was adopted dalam rumah, rupanya dia pregnant kau!! So mak merah ni lah yang menyambut her pregnancy. Cut story short, anak2 dia semua mati.  Pastuh dia resting bagai, but when my husband was away; my anak sulung pun dah dok Kedah, Kakak of cos lah kat hostel, just left me and Shan, so we both agreed to let Gucci out back.


Gucci – 1st round of beranak

Kooo!!! bahagia dia dok luar, and my 7 pun tak stress dah, specially LV! Dia memang tak suka ngan new cats come to the house.

But we feed Gucci cam biasalah, ada katil ada food air bagai for her kat porch tu. Dia datang tidur bagai kat porch aku tuh, then….eh dia pregnant lagi (ni lam Sept ni gak). Pun tak realised, yelah dah stray cat kan, ramai la jantan kat luar tu yg senang nak tackle dia. So masa dia beranak tu, she beranak lam katil dia. kitorg tak pasan pun. Cuma Min (my helper) said; dia nampak bangkai tikus. Huk aloh, it s not bangkai tikus pun, itu anaknya!!!  So aku checked all, again anak2nya sume dah mati. she probably beranak a day beforenya. Hiaish Gucci, seminggu lepas beranak; aku nampak dia beromen depan pagar rumah aku lagik! huk aloh copeknya ko abis pantang!


Fendi masa I sent him for sunat (he was on GA so blom sedar lagi masa ni)

Alright back to the rest of the cats; recently on 23rd Sept, Monday morning. one of the trios – Fendi yang jantan tu died. Sudden death. In my room. I realised it in the morning masa nak gi kerja, so meraung2 mak merah lagi sekali, asal kucing mati je camni la aku. Cam aku mentioned lam igs; dulu masa first time aku pregnant baru 1st ke 2nd trimester, i lost one of my cats gak. Meraung melalak sis dibuatnya; called laki yg  masa tu was based kat Spore; dia pun balik hari tu gak. Yelah, baru kawin lor. Bff aku ngan laki dia pun datang visit me, tengok aku camna, coz aku kan tinggal sorang. kucing mati mmg depa paham benaulah  my sadness. So masa tu laki aku tanam la kucing aku tuh. Kali ni bila aku tepon dia nangis2 yg Fendi died; ok nanti petang balik kerja I pi tanam dia. ha beza ko! dulu kat spore baru kawin, sanggup balik. ni dah nak 19 tahun kawin, jawab gitu jerrrrrrrrr!

Tu lah kisahnya…i lost one kid, Fendi. Now left 6 – Chanel, LV, Ferra, Bel, Anya and Bottega. Semua girls, except Bel. By this week jugak, Bel dah teruna (he s 1 year 1 month on Sept 2019) and dah mula matting with Anya.




Balenciaga (Bel) the magnet!!

when i said magnet, seriously; nak carik mana aku, carik la dia. if nak carik dia, ha carikla aku. He will be around me 24/7.  kalau 5 ekor ada kat bawah, dia sekor je ada ngan aku kat atas. kalau 5 ekor tidur kat bawah, he s next to me, tidur memang kena sama ngan aku. coz for him, im his mak. yelah dulu masa dia baby sebulan 2 bulan lebih tu, dia dok dalam apron aku sambil aku masak ye…so macam tu lah dia nya magnet ngan aku till now.


Aku baru je beli 3 + 1 new litter box. Buang 2. sblm ni pakai 3 bijik. So memang plan nak pakai 4 bijik for all 7 ni lah. Cantik2 my new litter boxes tuh. But now dah Fendi left us, tinggal 6 ekor jer, so aku simpan 1 new litter box (i even cancelled 1 more litter box yang just ordered), maybe next time pakai 2 je kot for all 6. But see lah camna kalau Bel and Anya punya hasil nih, if beranak pinak bagai ke kan….

Farewell Fendi, mami loves you so much, all of us will miss you, specially mak ko ni lah (mak sebenar kau si Ferra tu buat bodoh je ko mati); aku letak bangkai mayat dia kat mak dia Ferra, mak dia buat dek jer. Asal Fendi, bapak dia BSH (bapak dia Anne Penmerah punya kucing, purposely kahwinkan depa to get half bsh half scottish fold. So depa trio mmg mix from there.

24 Oct 2018 – 23 Sept 2019

Fendi Ferragamo


Comment: 7