Feb 16 2008 Saturday, 4:00 pm
Red in the house…
3 big items delivered in the afternoon. lepas pasang they left wt some of the boxes. but some boxes lak sirman ajer yang buat. abang was bz wt ps2, never care bout his surroundings. gegirl was the one yang paling kecoh mengaco. redmummy buat keje light2….
….abang and gegirl tolong the parents, anto buang to rubbish room. itupun lepas aku berkicau suh dia benti main n do something for the house.
it s not finished yet….we did some of the house decorations, since Fifin’s duty is to clean up the house, we let her do her task first, we will continue our red project tonite.
all out…
Excuse me, need to go to TTDI again…
Feb 16, 2008 @ 16:05:53
saya kelija la sis…. saya browse internet sbb blog akak… jgn kata takde org rayau blog akak during weekend okay
Feb 16, 2008 @ 16:21:10
klippan sofa in red!
Feb 16, 2008 @ 17:45:51
Ahdik Red
Ahkak kalo dapat godek PC during weekend,mmg ahkak tak luper singgah rumah meroh ko ni taw!!! I Luv all thingy kat Ikea especially the sofa taw..compared to macy..emm hangat hati mak nak story..my ikea sofa still tough w/p dah berkali pindah randah..Ahkak beli zaman ahkak anak dares gituk..
psst :I save ur new link in my favourite list lam my browser, but on 15th I dah masuk kan lam blogger list 1roof taw..peace…:)
Feb 16, 2008 @ 17:52:08
semekom tuan rumah!!
ai datang menjenguk ni..
buat2 ler ayor.. 
Feb 16, 2008 @ 18:27:38
wahhhh sofa baru merah menyala ke ni eh ?
Feb 16, 2008 @ 18:45:25
wow… serba merah ye kat rumah
Feb 16, 2008 @ 19:59:36
Askum sis, i dah mula jatuh cinta wif RED lepas hari hari visit ur RED blog. alahai….
Feb 16, 2008 @ 20:01:07
now bila lihat ur sofa & carpet pun RED ( telek nujum pak belalang) i rasa teruja pula… hehehe
Feb 16, 2008 @ 21:53:49
mau duduk ateh itu sofa…
mau guling2 hindustan ateh itu karpet bolee tuan rumah…??
Feb 17, 2008 @ 03:04:28
yes yes…yes…
red is here, redmummy too…
but the sofa bla bla yada yada..soon to know
Feb 17, 2008 @ 23:19:35
It’s always nice and exciting when new things arrive at our home kan..Happy revamping…Big pictures ya when all dah ready
PS : CONGRATS on the new blog. Looks cool lah