Mar 14 2008 Friday, 7:01 pm
My reader needs help…
kak red, here my message had been publish in I hope kak red can publish my post as well coz i’m in desperate and do not know who am I suppose to talk to spread my terrible incident… I know u are from BTR area, I’m from Wangsa Maju area… but this problem is worsen day by day… at least we can tell people to be more careful outside especially while driving…. who knows maybe one of us could be the next victim??? at least we can take precaution steps before it happen… am i right??
Car missing, spread the words to find it!
Received this from Junaidy:
Hello.. I am a resident of Wangsa Maju Parlimentary.. Specifically at Jalan Wangsa Murni 10, Wangsa Melawati..I just want to inform you that my father’s car (brand new Silver Honda CRV Generation 3, plate number WQC 486) just went missing this early morning in our house GATED compund… The missing car is only realised when my father ready to go for his Subuh prayer in the nearest surau… FYI, our gate has been cut off and I’m still wandering what kind of people can stole our car from padlock gated of my house… So people of Wangsa Maju, if you seen this car (brand new Silver Honda CRV, Generation 3), feel free to report/ contact the police…. Or you can call direct to me at 014-2942269 (Junaidy).. Thank you…
p/s: I hope the newly elected MP Wee Choo Keong could look at this matter seriously as the crime rates in Wangs Maju Parlimentary has become worsen day by day….
** This message is sent to me by another victim of car theft which happened 3 days ago.. Hopefully, YB Wee could take action on this matter & the police force investigate this cases ASAP….
Dear YB Wee,
In fact I had contacted Mr Chuah on 12Mar08 & posted an email to you on 13Mar08 but there is no progress & reply.
So surprisingly view your blog where another car stolen happen to Junaidy’s father this morning (15Mar08). It just 3 days after my case, where is the police? It seems like no action being taken, or else it won’t be happened so frequent. Hope that you will be looking into this matter seriously & provide a helping hand to us as a helpless victim.
For my case, the incident happen around 8.25am to 8.30am on 11Mar08 in front of Fun Station Child Development Centre, Section 2 Wangsa Maju when I was sending my daughter to the mention daycare centre, I had turned off the engine, holding the car key in my hand working towards the right passenger door and open the door to let my daughter come out from the mention car. Out of sudden a black car with tinted window driving toward me & double parked in front of my car & the other car. There are 2 persons in the black car 1 driver & 1 passenger, the young Chinese Cantonese speaking guy around his 20+ came out from the black car and working toward me with about 1 feet + parang and threaten me that he has parang, he want my car key. As my daughter still in the car, so I was begging with him that does not injure me & my daughter, and let my daughter came out from the car, he agreed and ask me be hurry up. After I get my daughter out of the car, I also begged him to take some of my personal belongings, and he also allowed me to take my handbag & my daughter’s school bag before I passed my car key to him. Then he asked me be faster to go away & don’t look at him. At the same time as some of the parents, teacher & children in the daycare centre were looking at him and he had shouted at them not to look at him, one of the child’s father had contacted to Wangsa Maju police station & also bring his car lock to fight with him for a while, none of them were injured. Finally, the robber managed to drive off my car.
The police only came 10 minutes later to take down some records, and asked me to report to Balai Polis Wangsa Maju. I visited Balai Polis Wangsa Maju around 9am+, to file my report, then, they requested me to bring together my car registration card and Insurance policy to refer to Inspector Mohd Hannis in Balai Police Setapak to obtain my police report. And I was told to wait for their investigation before they were to issuing police clearance report to me so that I can claim my insurance from insurance company.
Unfortunately, I had left Balai Polis Wangsa Maju around 10am+ before your visit on 11Mar08 at 11am+. I am wondering that is my case is highlighted to you on that morning by the police? It is warm & fresh on that day, a car robber with parang, it should be the most serious crime happen in Wangsa Maju as compare to previously just car stolen & car tolled away by toll track which is comment in Wangsa Maju.
I am wondering as a helpless victim where can I asking for help other than report to the police, and it seem like no one know that such serious case happen in Sec 2 Wangsa Maju. The robber might take this opportunity to make another crime, by them there will be another victim as this case was not publish in newspaper & it is so easy to rob the car from those parent as me who are also sending & picking their child daily. There is no camera install in the daycare centre. The only camera is at Desa Setapak traffic light junction, which I am wondering whether will it capture the crime happen to me on 11Mar08. In fact I had told the police to view the record but there wasn’t any answer from them.
As a helpless victim, I ready need your help to publish this crime so that at make know to the public of the seriousness of the crime in Wangsa Maju. All the parent & children are also in danger everyday going to the daycare. It just happened to me without injury, the next minute it might also happen to someone else & might be injured. It is so hopeless & helpless to say that in Wangsa Maju driving you will get rob with parang, walking you will get snagged handbag or valuables, parking your car there will get stolen or toll away by toll track, which is happen to my friend as well.
I would ready need your help to look into this crime seriously & take action to prevent any other unwanted crime to happen to parents & children in Fun Station Child Development Centre as we will be there daily, and also the safety of all resident in Wangsa Maju. And finally hope that you can help me to obtain the police clearance report soonest possible so that I can make my insurance claim. Now without a car I’m in trouble of sending my daughter to kindy.
Hope that you are able to turn Wangsa Maju become safer place to stay & also to hear from you soonest possible.
Sew Ping Ping
asking for help: Junaidy
Mar 14, 2008 @ 20:39:31
dear kak red…
thank you very much for your help… walaupun kereta yg dicuri itu masih tiada kabar berita (thanks to the police for your ‘very quick action’..sigh!!), at least you spread it via Net so your readers bole baca bout my case & Mdm Ping Ping stolen car… hope you guys be more careful while driving & even when parking your cars….
kak red, i felt really ‘malu’ for myself but I gagahkan diri to contact u & seeking your help… sekali lagi i nk ucapkan jutaan terima kasih for your helping hands… and for guys out there, if u happen to see both cars, please contact either me or Mdm Ping Ping (the numbers ade kt atas) or u can call straight to the pak polisi… thank uols!!
Mar 14, 2008 @ 20:40:36
oh my gosh, in broad day light too…
luckly she thought of here safety and her daughters safety. With car insurance, you can always buy a new vehicle, but with life insurance, you cannot buy a new life….
Mar 14, 2008 @ 21:29:42
tapi kan..sekarang ni mcm ade sindiket curi kereta mahal..spesifically lecturer hilang kereta jugak last month tapi in Subang area. According to her..CRV kat area Subang dah 5 bijik kena curi tapi polis still x dapat tangkap dalang kejadian..
Becareful semua
Termasuk kak red juga..pastikan pepper spray ade dlm handbag akak tauu
Pesanan khidmat masyarakat
Mar 14, 2008 @ 21:37:09
Sebenarnya kes macam ni banyak berlaku cuma orang yg tak sedar.. sy berkerja dgn company tracking kereta (alarm system) , dalam sebulan tu tidak kurang drpada 30 lebeh kes kecurian/kehilangan kereta, itu adalah customer yg register dgn company … blom di campur dgn kereta org yg tak pakai system alarm ni ..tak tahu lah berpa banyak sebnarnya yg hilang..
dlam tahun lepas sahaja insurance terpaksa membayar rm 50 juta lebeh pada pelangggan mereka yg kehilangan kereta.. banyak tuhh.. cume org yg tak sedar. modus operandi mereka adelah kereta2 mewah contohnye toyota harrier, toyota estima, toyota wish, toyota hilux, toyota landcruiser (toyota adelah favourite pencuri), honda crv, camry , murano,perdana V6 dll. hati2 kepada pengguna kereta sediakan payung sblom hujan.
sory kak red panjang lebar, just nak share information saje.
Mar 14, 2008 @ 23:31:39
huhu nasib baik sy pakai kereta lama…
Mar 15, 2008 @ 06:58:32
wangsa maju memang banyak kes dah skang ni…takutnyer……..
isk risau plak…..
ye ler,
penjenayah ni xkira siapa…….
Mar 15, 2008 @ 10:17:44
hi kak red & everybody,
although linda ni duk seremban, tp cukup tak berkenan bile tau kes2 macam ni berleluasa kat msia nih… maner dia slogan ‘mesra, cepat & betul’ dorang tu???
mcm ni mmg rasa tak selamat la nak park kete sbb inside the house compound pun kene curik gak…
makin byk security systems like cctv, car alarm system diperkenalkan, makin byk pulak jenayah curik yang timbul…<<< ape sudah jadi???
linda advice all these victims write to newspaper forum about kes-kes macam ni… biasanya pihak berkuasa ni malu kalo kita dedahkan kelemahan mereka & lepas tu barulah nak ambil tindakan konon2nya…
p/s: my fren hilang kereta dlm compund parking dlm kat area KLCC thn 2005 (kancil jer tp kereta jugak kan…) polis bantuan KLCC leh kata this is the first time kejadian mcm tu berlaku… linda langsung tak percaya
Mar 15, 2008 @ 11:53:08
eeeee nak pegi beli steering lock lah… walaupun belum dpt menjaminkan kereta tu tak kena curi at least it will make the job a bit harder for the thief.
Beruang Madu
Mar 15, 2008 @ 12:18:14
OMG… halamak dik non.. cemana ngan tempat kita nih.. leh arap ker security nya.. takutlah pulak…maintain MYVi jerlah…ko jejaga dik non.. mahal keta ko tu
Mar 16, 2008 @ 10:19:50
aku rasa every car no metter new or old should be install with tracking system, bukan mahal sangat pon, the cheapest is around RM1400.00. You can locate your car/vehicle using your handphone. Or paling bodoh pon kita copycat apa yang dipraktikan kat Siam, they put the cheapest handphone dalam kereta, hide it, put in silent mode, make sure have enough battery, incase of robbery report to the police, police will contact service provider to help locate the car. It was reported to have a high recovery rate.
guvenlik sistemleri
Aug 09, 2008 @ 00:45:04
Thank you for your post it is valuable information for me