
memang saje aku setkan 3 entries jer arini..tak banyak. apalah salahnya bagi korang makanan sket jer kan, ari2 pun lemak banyak gak wat gapo dak…

ngantuk seiii…aku buat mende ari ni ek. aku x keje lah arini. i m on leave today and tomorrow. dah 2 weeks aku applied cuti ni, nak tak nak boss aku tu kena gak approve coz aku cakap 2 arini yang aku boleh cuti. ari lain interview bertimbun, induction on q.


this morning after sirman sent abang to school, aku sent gegirl to her kindie, we met up kat one of the mamak near by sekolah agama abang. sirman x cuti, dia terus pi kerja. i went back home, wanted to take a nap kejap coz cadang nak amik budak2 from school at the end kol 11 baru aku dpt tido bila hp dok berdering jer. cuti pun kena kacau la dek opis….. haiyoh.

anw all, my show in TV3 will be on Thursday during office hour, at 11am. the exact date = i will announce it few days before the show ye. i promise you. I m gonna get a copy of the show, so i will put it here in the youtube…soon lah ek. aku x kesempatan lagi nak ngamik dvd copy to from akak producer.

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