I have to stop commenting…

sian la..

sian kat korang sesangat.

tak tau dah camne aku nak make frenly in your blog anymore. sebab aku hardly leaving comments in your blog pasal tu lah..korang mesti dpt tempias. aku ni banyak musuh dalam blogging world, they wont be sending harsh comments in my blog anymore coz aku ada tracker.

so these sick ppl, they went to blog yang ada bagi komen kat sini, and carik kot2 aku ada letak komen kat blog korang. so when they saw my comments in your blog, they send harsh stupid vastardvavi comments in your blog.

i think to be safe, nak selamatkan korang, let me just rest in peace from your blog. ngapa le bangsat sangat perangai manusia macam ni yang tak henti2 tak putus2 nak make war wt me.

aku mmglah dah kalis peluru kebal wt the stupid comments but when it comes to my frens blog, i dont think my frens like all of you deserve to get that.

hallo lalats – tuju kat aku sorang dahlah. bape kali mahu kubilang? ihateredmummy.com belum ada org register yet. kalo x mampu nak bayo ko bukak ihateredmummy.blogspot / blogdrive.com pun boleh.

my 2 cents, take it pls!

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