Selatan’s hotel…

the lobby biasa2 je..kedekut sofa and kerusi yes ai can say

the room pun simple ckplah utk aku sorang

lampu meja tu bengong, satu plug boleh letak either lampu or charger laptop aku, dah tentulah charger aku lagi penting, battery dah nak kong deii..

nak berendam lelama pepagi buta jangan araplah, aku kena stand by kat bawah by 700am!

senyum paksa for my loyal readers tak kira sapa pun kau…

ai ponek!

to my dear sirman, please dont worry bout your wife, the boys look after me so well, i dont use public transport at all…and i wont be going to singapore… though ai have my passport in hand right now 😛

this hotel name is not Selatan Hotel, ko google lah camne pun x de nye nama Selatan Hotel kat sini, i name it by myself. suka2 la ai la kan, apa ko nak kisah?

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