Your own office room perhaps? Hope everything goes well with you. In my opinion, you just post whatever number of entries you feel like (tak paksa but preferably minimum 3 entries a day coz there are many out there I know, kejap kejap check your blog!)
[…] untuk aku pulang semula ke pangkuan ‘ibuku’. dan secara total, aku mula menjadi hak exclusive an ED today. so to people yang tertanya2 ke mana aku pergi setelah aku menutup April with BIG SMILE…i m […]
May 06, 2008 @ 16:05:19
ha?? seprais seprais….
May 06, 2008 @ 16:30:16
akak dah beli rumah tu ke?
pindah dah ker?
May 06, 2008 @ 16:45:46
Your own office room perhaps? Hope everything goes well with you. In my opinion, you just post whatever number of entries you feel like (tak paksa but preferably minimum 3 entries a day coz there are many out there I know, kejap kejap check your blog!)
A N N’s last blog post..The Red Hot Bash!
May 06, 2008 @ 16:48:20
tercapai impian…
yuzz9071’s last blog post..a gift for ..
May 06, 2008 @ 17:20:58
apa2 pun, congrates kak!
mya’s last blog post..AutoPublish
May 06, 2008 @ 18:08:26
ehehe tahniah akak
lindosh’s last blog post..joyahS da pokej
May 06, 2008 @ 19:15:32
uh? uh? (sambil wat muka blur)
ak_0143’s last blog post..Blogging for handsome blogger but damn spam robot!!!
May 06, 2008 @ 22:10:51
cngratulations!!!! bestnye!!!! castle gitu ko
May 06, 2008 @ 23:03:58
bukan pindah umah baru…nak pindah hapanya kalo sirman ngah kat spore oiii
to a new ‘castle’
dalam maknanya
aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
May 06, 2008 @ 23:50:00
Loh, ingatkan pindah rumah. Hiks. Anjat gegerl. :p
Pencinta Merah…The Red Lover…The Red Diva… » Blog Archive » My new castle…
May 07, 2008 @ 13:01:20
[…] untuk aku pulang semula ke pangkuan ‘ibuku’. dan secara total, aku mula menjadi hak exclusive an ED today. so to people yang tertanya2 ke mana aku pergi setelah aku menutup April with BIG SMILE…i m […]