Jul 13 2008 Sunday, 1:00 pm
New Hair Cut…
potong zass zasss
Donald and Alice belek rambut gila2 hokey, and Ms Boss watching from the back. gila x jaga, customer dia yang sorang ni very the fussy
the second time of washing…this is a new boy, Donald 20 yrs old, Alice new assistant.
i miss Vivian, dia dah benti keje months ago…mana le aku nak carik Vivian ye, she s my good hairstylist
the boss, she reads my blog
u see boot dia, she s pretty and badan kalah nasha aziz!
Alice’s boot, aku siap cakap korang ni ngah kat negara snow ker. but her boot memang nampak dok lam eskimo je gitu
Alice is doing the final touch up.
start off at 245pm and abih around 7 ngam2 utk sirman and kids sampai from ttdi
oh btw, sbb dalam setaun 3 kali aku ke saloon buat rambut, kali ni aku datang bawak 3 dvds, ai layan Cleaner, Steps and Jumper. cuma Jumper je x sempat nak abih tengok coz Sirman dah sampai. yes my fav saloon ni the name is Real Cut full of Red, ada satu table khas utk tengok dvd ke tv, and semestinya kalao dah 3,4 jam nye hair do, mmg aku dok kat meja chair tuje lah. ai like this saloon. kalaulah alice gak berenti, aisay…congking la aku nak carik hstylist mana lagi dah. lelain tu boys muda2 beli lah, they are only assistants, the master are still Ms Boss and Alice.
nak tengok ke? hiks..nenanti lar..biasa jer. janji aku x bosan ngan rambut lama tu ha…dulu tu buat digital perm, tp aku ni memang degil gatal tangan. dah dibilang jangan sikat rambut tu lurus2, aku buat gak. gitu lah x sampai 6 bulan dah lurus balik. and i really hate rebonding, no more rebonding for my entire life!
Jul 13, 2008 @ 14:40:30
yup2 the salon i got dvd dia kat bukan kat cermin tapi kat sebelah cermin but leh adjust.
those boots are made for walking eh
hehe dia pakai kat salon jer kot, nampak mcm mahal jer nak pakai gi kuar
budlee’s last blog post..Inah, Myself and Soho
Jul 13, 2008 @ 15:23:42
wow siap ada tv tgk dvd.. i wish my couz’s saloon leh buat gini
kalu takat sejam 2 mmg tak yah tgk tv kan.. baca mag dah enuff
tp kalu buat curly or rebonding sure la lamaaaa.. boring sey kalu
takat baca mag kan mummy red..
nak rekemen my couz soh pasang tv kecik camgini lah hehehehe
Zaidi Zainal
Jul 13, 2008 @ 16:11:56
Salam cik puan…wah style apa tu yek nanti……
Zaidi Zainal’s last blog post..HANCOCK DI MBO GALAXY-AMPANG
Jul 13, 2008 @ 16:42:12
nakkk tengokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ….
Jul 14, 2008 @ 00:01:03
Vogue always babe!!!
pearl’s last blog post..Back in New York – Vol II
Jul 14, 2008 @ 09:45:40
kul 3 smpai kul 7 kat saloon kak? kalau saya, harus kematu bontot… hohoh…
mya’s last blog post..Mama Kata….
Oct 19, 2008 @ 23:15:53
campur ngan yg nih.. dh bape kali dh akak tukor style rambut. tp paling igt yg BANGKOK dan yg cam 23 itu. hiks