Not into ISA!

both of them need to check their EPF entitlement, napa le aku ngikut sama….oh pasal aku diminta menemani Ms Lemb for another bank. lama gak tak turun bwh klcc ni, tolak campur 2,3 ari? 🙂

anw, adalah cerita behind the scene a day before yesterday, bawak ke malam pagi smlm tp malas aku nak ceritakan. x perlulah nak tell the whole stories, like someone commented before few nites ago which ai think your comment is too much. anw adik ‘if ai dont blog about agama, that doesnt mean ai m not a muslim, n yes i did few entries on solat thingy, google my old blog before nak fitnah akak ye dik”


luckily ai didnt approve her comment, if not mesti jadi pertembungan agama lak among my readers.

Stay calm, read my blog peacefully and muka macam akak ko ni mmg x berkenan nak masuk ISA ke jangan nak buat havoc ye dik..


ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! bulan puasa memang akak kurangkan entry…all entries been set a nite before and it s auto publish starting 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and either 6or 7pm. then one last one at 9 or 10pm….then sambung balik at 8am etcs (unless ada rezeki terlebih ada entry terlebih2 tu memang ai buat selang sejam lah. gitu)

total up 7 entries per day for fasting month. banyak lah jugak kan….

bukan bulan puasa lak entries between 8 – 10 entries perday….

told ya, ai m obsessed to my red blog 🙂


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