Aug 2 2009 Sunday, 11:00 pm
Free Movie Passes From KuE…
i wanna be an august’s santarina *glurp* is there such thing? but i know there’s ‘christmas in july’ hiks…
i have 4 pairs (serial #A283818/822/832 & 842) of gsc gurney plaza, penang advertiser’s (nokia) pass to give-away. whoever interested please leave comment right away— first-come-first-served basis, with these conditions:
* must be presented at the box office in exchange of 2 complimentary tickets, subject to availability of seats (not applicable for gold class, premiere class & twin seats).
* is valid for 1 (one) show during the validity period.
* cannot be renewed, replaced or altered.
* you CANNOT sell the passes.
* other terms & conditions shall applied.
hurry! these passes are only valid till 5th August 2009! at least if i can get penangites names by monday, there’s still some time for me to send those passes for you in penang via pos ekspres.
in fact i have more expiring on other dates like 2 sept and 30 sept, for gsc gurney plaza and queensbay mall. probably we can keep that for later as the validity still a long way to go. fyi my lil’ sis who is working in an advertising company in damansara heights, was here last night and gave those passes to me. its quite a sum, so i guess its good that we share with others too. cuz takkan ler larat nak ke penang sesaje kan. she also gave some of tgv kinta city and gsc ipoh parade. she’s the one who suggested that i can give-away some of them, but with conditions the recipients CANNOT sell the passes– they can either use it or if can’t, they should give-away to others who can.
thank you so much for your great help.
Please contact kuE if you need the free passes
KuE – KL nya tarak kah?
ku E
Aug 03, 2009 @ 08:59:39
tqsm dear for posting this. for me dia selalu bagi the movie passes (either gsc or tgv) for northern region. maybe for kl dia ada bagi to my other sista. nanti lar i’ll check with her… if she has more for kl, i’ll get her to pass some to you ok.
till then… happy monday! and all the best to you for the rest of the week :~)
.-= ku E´s last blog ..let’s get the monday started… =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Aug 03, 2009 @ 10:25:54
klu area KL harus ku rembat dulu.. :))
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarhammah Yasmin Ahmad =-.