Jan 11 2010 Monday, 11:00 am
MAC and Mango…
i tweeted bout finding my car on friday, remember?
i tot i parked at P3, so dengan tangan penuh berat dengan barang2…aku sangaplah mencari. nan ado. found my fren kat parking P3 (easy to find frens in klcc parking lor coz most of my colleagues park their car in the season parking of klcc) so i forced fren to send me to P2, mbe can find my car there.
n it s true, the car was parked at P2 hahahahha, sungguhlah aku ni kangchiong!
but tetiba feeling orang kaya naik keter member aku yang roof nya boleh bukak 2 kay. perkhhh…tu ha atas pala aku tuh, 2 jenis roof tuh. waaa kayo acik ek!
Mango still ada sale yer, depa tiru design Chanel, ada ala2 sket lah..harga lam RM99 kot. not to sure. the sale is still on going, i bought red dress for attending any event too. donno when to wear but i dont hv to worry bout it, coz at least once or twice a week aku memang penuh ngan event.
once pakai aku masukkan dalam Shop@RM yer..
itu baju masa attend the Mister Potato pun nak masuk Shop@RM, sapa mau boli?
n again MAC come out wt new idea lagi from their production. i m in love wt the eyeshadow stick version. cantik. but sebagai membantu penjimatan diri sendiri, i didnt get any. aku cuma beli yang pepenting je lah, anything i can redeem aku cuba redeem, anything yang i can buy from the cheap sale, i wud do it, but worst scenario, kenalah beli.
seperti contoh the clarifiying toner of Clinique, it was from the sponsor, and i hv to top it up coz finish olediiii…
kena beli ek
iskkk….Clinique tak nak renew adv kat RM lagi ker…by the time nak tunggu Nuffnang nya nego ngan Clinique, toner aku tu dah licin boliau.
Jan 11, 2010 @ 11:12:44
teringin nk beli lipstik MAC, tp xterbeli smpai skrg.
.-= wany´s last blog ..KLEPAK KLEPUK KLEPAK KLEPUK =-.
Jan 11, 2010 @ 11:59:32
saya pun pakai eyeshadow MAC..tapi bukan stick nye la…puas ati la ngan color die…senang lekat dan pekat…
.-= sofia´s last blog ..If You Mess With Me, Then..**** You =-.
Jan 11, 2010 @ 12:06:55
lps ni hati2 ea kak red jgn salah level lagi..hehehe
.-= lieza´s last blog ..~anak papa~ =-.
Jan 11, 2010 @ 13:17:04
wah shopping sakan hehe
.-= farra-eng´s last blog ..Raja Lawak Musim Ke4 Minggu Ke2 =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Jan 11, 2010 @ 14:53:26
kak, Lyn tingat enrty yg dulu..
“gegirl kata mummy kita kena amik pic klu park kt MV klu dady kta takda”.
its happen again yer. Klu tak amik masa lama takper.
mcm lyn dulu, siap kena byr parking lagi kt OU. nangis gak time tuh..:)
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Minggu Yang Malas
Jan 11, 2010 @ 16:04:54
aahh mmg dok tgh carik beg ala chanel ni. huhu. boleh lah sementara tunggu bank i berat. kekeke
aritu sampai kol 4 pagi online, cari inspired chanel beg ni. so happy RM post pasal ni!
.-= naf´s last blog ..busyy =-.
Jan 11, 2010 @ 17:29:20
slah tmpt parking plak..
sib bek teserempak ngan ur fren..
kalo tak kena lar angkut brg2 yg berat tue..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..AJL 24 bestttt!! =-.
Jehan Manies
Jan 11, 2010 @ 17:50:54
kak, i wanna buy that dress u wore during misterpotato event!
sgt cantekk!!
Jan 11, 2010 @ 18:04:29
@Jehan Manies,
ok cun, contact akak kat red at redmummy.com