Jan 24 2010 Sunday, 10:30 pm
Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa and Atrium Cafe & Lounge…
Red Family was welcomed by Daphne from the Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa….my project for the last weekend is to have a getaway weekend, and we were given a Family Affair Package.
I apologize to Michelle from Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa for checked in at a very late hour. Was stranded with work and heavy traffic jam, oh biasalah kan Jumaat di KL kalau hujan dah tentulah kedaung nak sampai.
A welcoming fruits, pelapik perut buat anak2 yang kelaparan. lama depa tunggu mak depa kat KLCC nun, dah abih jalan merata lam mall pun tak jugak mak nya turun2.
aku masuk bilik ayor, bila kuor dah abih lencun ko buah2 nih…
wah memang lapar ek korang hahaaaaa
For Red Family’s package, we got a family Affair’s package Premier Room at Rm1088++ termasuk:
- 3 days 2 nights accommodation
- Daily buffet breakfast for 2 adults and 2 children
- 1 time single entry to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park for 2 adults and 2 children (water park and Amusement Park)
- Privilege shopping card to get discounts at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall
- Welcome drink upon arrival
- Welcome fruit basket
I like the bathroom, bathtub memang ada,but itu abang ngah mandi hahahaha, air pancutnya yang menegak terus dari atas kepala. That s the idea of our new CV, tak sangka pulak kat Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa pun ado.
FYI, i used to stay in the Pyramid Tower Hotel coz that s where we the Fear Factor contestants kena stay. but that s different concept diff reason
The award-winning Hotel development offers like 1234 guestrooms, suites, villas and serviced residences jugak. emm banyaknya!!!
For our first day, dinner is served at the Atrium Cafe & Lounge, but this one located kat Pyramid Tower Hotel. very easy access from Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa yer….in fact selangkah je dah leh masuk Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall. Talking bout mall, mestilah ada kaitan dengan my shopping thingy.
but aku skipped shopping kat sini coz i havent got the shopping privilege card from them yet. they should courier to me once the card is ready. Card 2010 tak siap2 lagi yang oi….
Atrium Cafe & Lounge menyediakan buffet and ala carte. western, to Indian, kampung and local style, everything ada di bawah satu bumbung Atrium. Chef untuk Atrium Cafe & Lounge adalah Malay, Indian and Chinese yek…so memang memasing ada power creativity in cooking.
the Atrium is actually more to Pan-Asian dishes, tu yang memang menarik gadaboom lah sangat kan ngan tekak2 family aku nih.
i must say, among all the restaurants yang kami makan sepanjang 3 hari di Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, inilah yang menjadi pujaan anak2. mungkin kerna melambak2 sangat udang for them hahahaha….suka korang hek dapat udang ayam yekk
my fav is always oysters.
mummy mr bean makan selurp seluuprrrrrrrr jer lah mummy
takkan mak ko nak slurp plak, sah2 lah pakai sudu yang oiii
lots of local and international fruits
si tekak melayu yang pantang nampakkkkkkkkkkk lauk kampung
oh udang ko udang…napa le ko sedap bebenor, lari dah diet ai
tak yah nak pakai mangkuk, letak je cencaluk sambal belacan lam lesung batu, lagi unik kan…
kambing panggang!
seafood! berulang kali aku singgah gerai ni….carik oysters!
berulang2 trip makan….memandangkan anak2 memang lapar sesangat….
n aku tutup dinner ku sendiri dengan sup ekoq! ini pun 2 kali mangkuk aku amik, sedap betullah sup ekor nya heiii!
after dinner, kami main british pool, pun dalam Atrium Cafe & Lounge jugak…anw sambil makan pun korang leh main nih gak yer…but kang dinner ke mana bila dah ngadap benda ni. so better licinkan dulu food atas pinggan baru leh redah ada tenaga nak lawan ngan Sirman.
Abang, Gegirl & I satu team, bola merah, Sirman bola kuning solo. tapi sirman yang menang. cissss!
went back to our 1807 hotel room, and connect to RM. complimentary internet line from the hotel too….a must to have for me when staying in the hotel. kalau dalam bilik takde internet access, susah jugak, wi fi pun bukannya kuat mana. paling payah kalau nak pi lobby carik wireless. hauk gak nak bondong2 angkut lappy kan.
so tu pasal aku kalo dapat je hotel, memang aku tanya pasal internet access.
paling layan tengok movies back to back from the hotel’s chanel. oh syok nya….aku punyalah sakan tengok P2 tengok Hitman, sampai Heroes pun budak2 tengok asyik sungguh.
Sebab itulah aku tak buat entry banyak pun waktu di sini, coz tilam dan bantal yang empuk itu sungguh menarik kuasa sakti saya yer….
kalau korang takde anak, nak berduaan jer pun boleh at a very minimal package, offered by Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa. some more around the area ada jugak Ministry of Sound – Euphoria, this where my Project Alpha’s shooting and PC were done.
I told you right the Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa is the sponsor for Project Alpha Season 1 the other day
Atrium Café & Lounge Contact
+60 3 7492 8000
Extn. 6305
Atrium Café
Business Hours
Buffet Breakfast:
6.00am – 10.30am (Daily)
Buffet Lunch:
12.00noon – 2.30pm (Mon – Fri)
Buffet Hi-Tea:
12.00noon – 4.00pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)
Buffet Dinner:
6.00pm – 10.00pm (Daily)
Atrium Lounge
Business Hours
11.00am – 1.00am (Sun – Thurs)
Very Happy Hours:
4.00pm – 9.00pm (Daily)
Atrium Cafe & Lounge skang nih ngah promo macam2….for the buffet lunch or buffet dinner, for the Tiger New Year, for the minimum budget mbe u just wanna get an ala carte mood. boleh singgah makan di Atrium.
Even though u are not the guests of the hotel, u still can come by to Atrium Cafe & Lounge, enak2 bangat sit makan di sini. nak lari dari hiruk pikuk kat Sunway shopping mall tuh, boleh je singgah makan kat sini coz quite peaceful.
Ramai je aku tengok yang walk in dinner di Atrium coz depa rimas kot ramai2 makan kat mall gitu kan. Thank you to Atrium Cafe & Lounge for having Red Family in your nice cozy restaurant. Pandai Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa hantar aku makan kat sini, coz kat sini jugak ada screen beso koooooooooooooooo, nak layan live football memang asyik lah.
I definitely come back here for our Red Family’s dinner
Aishah Noordin
Jan 24, 2010 @ 22:56:15
Syiok syioknye!!!
Klo berdua jek best ehh?? Ingat nk cari mana2 yg bole honeymoon in KL jek..malas nk gerak jauh2…cr hotel best2..lepak situ..dok dlm bilik jek….dot dot dot…hahaha
Jan 24, 2010 @ 23:04:05
Hi Kak Red. Atrium cafe memang best and I think the price pun reasonable. Used to have regular occasion dekat situ dulu. Memang sedap.
cik epal
Jan 25, 2010 @ 00:20:34
wahh…dah lama tak tidur hotel
.-= cik epal´s last blog ..maggi kari meletup….hambek sekali tiga bungkus bantai… =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 00:29:44
wah… layan la kak.. best2…
.-= yanz´s last blog ..Why I Like It Longer =-.
Afra Yuri
Jan 25, 2010 @ 01:58:37
bestnya!! MOS itu menarikk..hahaha
Jan 25, 2010 @ 08:50:16
huuuuu…bestnyer kak….best…nampak memang puas ati…makan sampai ke bilik air…nampak best…
.-= sofia´s last blog ..Perkahwinan Michelle..Introduce To.. =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 09:10:37
sy pernah lunch kat atrium..mmg best..pastu pi shooping..dekat je kan..sume ade..kat satu tmpt je
Jan 25, 2010 @ 09:22:39
kannnnn..dah namanyer sponsorrr…harusssss
Flo Alfera
Jan 25, 2010 @ 09:53:28
.-= Flo Alfera´s last blog ..Office Alone…. =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:16:24
cam best jer hotel ni..tapi cam mahal gak la rm1K++.. kena tunggu mng loteri dulu ni.. huhuh
.-= kambingbujang´s last blog ..Amirul 23 months old milestones =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:23:20
wahhh, bestnyeeee :8
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:24:58
syok ye tilam empuk tu…mesti lena tido
.-= yuzz9071´s last blog ..FOR SALE : 2.0 MULTIMEDIA SPEAKER =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:37:00
sangat teruja nak bercuti..ayayayayyayay
.-= Niniefairuz´s last blog ..Bukan mudah.. =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:03:08
bab makanan tu mmg xleh tahan. kambing panggang n osyter mentah2 sejuk2 letak skit tabasco souce. mmg best
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:07:41
kak red, naper my comment takder link ke latest entry saya
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:13:57
@matjoe, entahlah pulak
ada orang ada
ada orang takdak
kena tanya sirman lorr
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:16:04
Hi Kak Red!
Glad you enjoyed your stay with us! We look forward to welcoming you back again at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa and if you’d like to join us again, please feel free to get in touch with us. Thanks heaps for the great pics!
Azhar Ramli
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:31:29
Wuihhh..seronoknyerrr..sodap makanan nampak..RM..gua rasa your web ada script prblem ek?? Jenuh nak bukak…
.-= Azhar Ramli´s last blog ..BUFFERED EARNING NUFFNANG =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:38:30
terliur tgk buffet spread ituuuuu..
.-= DeeDee´s last blog ..boleh tak jgn mcm bagus sgt? =-.
lily lotus
Jan 25, 2010 @ 14:13:09
such a pleasant stay kan gitu…
.-= lily lotus´s last blog ..in the pyramid
Jan 25, 2010 @ 15:13:03

best nye weekend kak red..
kambing panggang tue mmg terliur..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Normal ke kalo gugur macam nie?? =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 15:42:04
Best! Memang best… nak kena pergi jugak nie
.-= Syah´s last blog ..Trip ke Kuantan =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Jan 25, 2010 @ 16:52:51
mmg best stay kt sunway hotel tuh..
lyn pernah stay sane.. mmg syok woooooo
restaurant tu je lum try… bila kak red kata sedap..
tingin plak nak merasa.. hehehe
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Niza’s Wedding : Telur Oh Telur!! =-.
Jan 26, 2010 @ 14:48:35
ni yg wat jiwa btol2 bkobar2 nk bcuti nih..huhu
.-= lieza´s last blog ..~budak itu kayoooo~ =-.
Apr 13, 2010 @ 23:58:26
ala….sedapnyer la makanan kat stu…terliur plak rasenyer…kne honeymoon kat cni bler da kawen nati…