May 7 2010 Friday, 4:00 pm
Rayban for the farewell…
this is Rayban’s brand.
not for me not for my hubby not for u too. it s for someone special leaving today. Gf and i had a task to get the farewell gift for him, so we settled with 3 items, one of the items is this special Rayban. The 3 items tu pun we walked bertingkat2, for someone yang has everything, i hope today is not the sad day for both of us. going to have a party for him soon!!
for me, i dont go for any expensive sunglasses, haritu the people tanya ‘is that gucci sunglasses?’
bang, sunglasses aku sumer cap ayam bang oiii...skang nih pun aku pakai sunglasses yang harganya RM20 jer bought from the ladies street in HK. paling mahal pun dulu was MNG, but pastu sume aku balingkan kat adik2 aku. i m not investing to the designer’s sunglasses at the moment. RM20 is enaf for me.
wpun 20hinggit, dah 6 bulan kay aku pakai. so worth of money. Kalaupun pada kamu jelek untuk saya pakai RM20, but wpun saya pakai yang 2 ribu, ppl will say, 20 pun ppl will ngumpat, it s not for you to decide on what i pay, apa yang saya beli, it s totally from my duit sendiri. memang bukan duit korang so back to nature again, beli mahal orang akan kata, beli yang murah pun orang akan kata.
i m just being myself, i will buy whatever yang aku sesuai ngan poket aku sendiri.mahal murah it s not an issue. cool?
May 07, 2010 @ 16:20:20
kannn. kekdahnyer kak, kalau dah dasar suka nyibuk hal org, sgala mende yg dibuat ade je yg x kna. lantak la depa. bbalik apa akak ckp, bukan mntk dorg pun. lgpn bnda beli sndiri, bukan curik ker… kat ebay & lelong pn melambak sunglasses yg cantek tp murah. ku da pakai baper taon ok jer…
.-= Wawa´s last blog ..Tag Hari Ibu =-.
Tweets that mention Pencinta Merah…The Red Lover…The Red Diva… --
May 07, 2010 @ 16:24:16
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Redmummy, Redmummy. Redmummy said: Rayban for the farewell… […]
May 07, 2010 @ 16:25:29
Betul betul.. I sokong.. So what if RM20 ke RM20k ke? Asal dpt memenuhi tujuannya sudah la.. Hehe.. Unless if it’s a passion you can’t withhold.. (for me its shoes, for u i kno la the handbags maaa)
.-= Bella´s last blog ..Double Dosage =-.
May 07, 2010 @ 16:45:52
Apa yang penting?
Pakai aja….
.-= dalee´s last blog ..Pssst…Tips Malam Jumaat =-.
May 07, 2010 @ 17:02:53
standard la tu kak. orang kalau dah tak suka, serba serbi nengok kita tak kena sesajaaa.. eieiie mencik lah org gitu..
.-= mya´s last blog ..Mengakhiri Zaman Jandaku…. =-.
May 07, 2010 @ 17:08:37
nak jugak….
.-= eyriqazz´s last blog ..Lisa Surihani Oh Lisa Surihani =-.
Azhar Ramli
May 07, 2010 @ 17:59:48
Mmmm..rayban..prefer yang made in usa instead made in italy because usa ada value compare those made in italy “the older the age the higher the price”. Boleh simpan buat harta..hehe..
May 07, 2010 @ 20:54:23
yesss btol2….beli branded orang kata beli kat pasar gelap….klu beli murah apatah lagi hahahah….
.-= Qiefly´s last blog ..Syukurlah RAKAN arwah (Aminulrasyid Amzah), Azamudin Omar menceritakan kejadian sebenar =-.
May 07, 2010 @ 22:59:51
ray ban tu…
menarik bangat…
.-= mie´s last blog ..:: tag and hint :: =-.
May 07, 2010 @ 23:16:05
nie mesti for the hero hindustan tu kan
khadijah zek
May 08, 2010 @ 02:07:33
lawa sangat sunglasses tu…=)
May 08, 2010 @ 04:17:04
err … cap ayam ialah cap dagang berdaftar yg keluarkan produk baju. mereka tak jual sun glasses. Senyum ayam orang kompeni Cap Ayam nanti Kak Red…
May 08, 2010 @ 09:48:47
.-= eddie´s last blog ..IS THREE (ISTERI) =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 01:41:06
price bknla ukuran syg utk seseorang kan sis janji ikhlas tp dpt yg mahal yg 2 ”penghargaan beso” laa..saya pun mau.. hehe
.-= darkbatman´s last blog ..Kenapa Aku berbloggingl Sekadar Renungan =-.
mrs adam
May 09, 2010 @ 08:31:00
wah best la ayat entry kak red kali ni,betul la beli mahal orang kate n
beli murah pun orang kate jugak!yg penting kita beli ngan duit sendiri.
.-= mrs adam´s last blog ..menyambut hari ibu di wisma bling lustre =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 16:45:58
selama ni i pakai spect… tp tak pernah beli sun glasses… apalagi nak beli spect yg mahal2… x mampu lg…
.-= hidayat´s last blog ..FC Comment > MU ask for HELP frm REDS =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 22:14:00
so good….comel..comel. boleh beli
.-= nor´s last blog ..mother’s day =-.
Lyn Yusoff
May 10, 2010 @ 14:33:44
kak, agree with u..mahal or murah takde hal lah..
yg penting kita selesa nk pakai..
bukan kita mintak duit org pun.. pakai duit sendiri plak..
klu jenis reti nak mengata.. segala benda dia nak kata…
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Hectic Saturday =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 14:34:46
It might be good for you to invest in a good pair of sunglasses. You might not feel the consequences from wearing a RM20 glasses but in 10 years from now, you might have the effects to your eyes. Scientifically proven! Doesn’t need to be designer shades that cost an arm and a leg – just one that is made of Polaroid glasses.
Must put disclaimer : I have nothing against people with RM 20 glasses
Just telling you that there is side effects and I’m sure you can afford a good shade that cost RM100+. 
.-= chefmel´s last blog ..Four Points by Sheraton – Wrapped =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 17:08:30
biasa lar kak red..
mulut org payah nk ditutup..
sunglasses RM20 kak red tue mmg cun pun!
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Mau Lari Umah!! =-.
May 11, 2010 @ 17:37:38
salam kenal ye…..yezzz…i loike ur statement…wat pe nk heran owg ckp kan….?duit kita ye tak…..?hehhe