May 9 2010 Sunday, 7:00 pm
Mother’s Day to all of us…
badminton session for abang…as usual. but this time parents and sis cant join him
on the Mom’s Day eve, i got 2 cards and present from the kids. The cards diorg pilih sendiri, of cos paid by their dad, ini project depa di hari Sabtu, after Sirman abih main go-cart. hadiah pulak bapaknya tak nak bagi budget, so diorg selongkar barang2 lam rumah and settled with the old frame/photos ahahhahahahaha! teruk tol bapak korang.
diorg lah sendiri wrap the present, and wrote the cards. for gegirl’s card tu abangnya yang ajar on what to write. Abang amik frame gambo lama aku waktu i was 17yrs old and gambar2 masa kat ITM, dah memang originally lam frame lam tu jugak. Gegirl pulak amik gambo n frame yang aku baru lepas beranakkan abang, holding abang yang baru 2 bulan lebih with their dad in the photo too.
ni main serkup punya gambars and adiah lah nih.
sokay. i m happy with or without presents. i got off day from them, technically lar. but kena gak tersimpul2 tekak ni suh depa buat tuh buat nih. no special dinner or lunch coz we were busy doing something2 . Sirman asked for anything that i want, but i donno, ada benda yang aku dah dpt from frens, which i can call it as a mom’s day nya present jugak.
no hal lar. not so materialistic for getting any presents, at the moment. nanti father’s day senang sket aku hahahaha….ater zero2 lah, harus equal . i m not very demanding lar today tho it s a Mother’s Day.
Kepada teman2 yang masih belum dianugerahkan title Ibu, bersabarlah, ada hikmah di sebalik kelambatan yang sedang diduga. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there, to my MIL and Mak Ajah, we love you Maks. To my children, terima kasih Allah yang memberi saya peluang untuk menjadi ibu mereka.
Tweets that mention Pencinta Merah…The Red Lover…The Red Diva… --
May 09, 2010 @ 19:02:01
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Redmummy. Redmummy said: Mother’s Day to all of us… […]
May 09, 2010 @ 19:06:17
happy mothers day kak red..wish u hepy always n be the best mother in the world 4 ur children..
Adhadi Mohd
May 09, 2010 @ 19:32:33
Kami sambut hari ibu di hospital hari ini. My mom kene warded sebab diabetic dan darah tinggi. Tapi alhamdullilah my mum tak sunyi hari ini sebab kami 9 adik beradik bergilir-gilir datang menjaga. meriah bilik wad dengan cucu.. dah macam expo makanan.. semua datang bawak food, bukan untuk my mum makan tapi untuk kami adik beradik makan. Mak makan capati aje…
.-= Adhadi Mohd´s last blog ..Rakam bayi anda dirumah, dengan hasil seperti studio foto! =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 19:53:16
happy mother’s day kak red….
May 09, 2010 @ 21:35:31
Happy Mother’s Day! pengorbanan ibu memang besar, semoga kita anak-anak ini tidak melupai jasa baik ibu kita.
.-= Stargone´s last blog ..Selamat Hari Ibu =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 21:51:20
happy mother’s day kakak..
.-= mya´s last blog ..Makan Nasi Uduk di Restoran Seri Garuda Emas =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 22:05:53
selamat hari ibu… kak red
kak anie
May 09, 2010 @ 22:13:26
Happy Mothers Day Red….
.-= kak anie´s last blog ..Istimewa Sempena Hari Ibu… =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 22:19:33
mum is the no 1 in the world…iluv my mum
.-= nor´s last blog ..mother’s day =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 22:50:26
selamat hari ibu 2…merah membara semangat waja…i loike~
.-= fiQ´s last blog ..Addict ku kembali =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 23:29:39
Nasib akak ingat sy.. Sy akan terus berusaha. Chaiyookk!!!
.-= dalee´s last blog ..5 tips gila-gila untuk suami isteri =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 00:34:46
hepi mother’s day to all mom in malaysia….
pape pun check it out this website to all surirumah in the world
May 10, 2010 @ 00:51:32
kak RED, happy mother’s day jugak….tak de budget pun takpe kak janji both of them tak lupa utk prepare something for their mom kan….
May 10, 2010 @ 06:46:30
Happy mother’s day, cik Red
.-= Mayhem´s last blog ..Jalan-Jalan Cari Hantu =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 09:25:39
Epi mother’s day 2
u kak red!
.-= appledia´s last blog ..Citer mak2 =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 09:32:11
Hehehe.. Takpe, birthday nnt bole demand.. For Mother’s Day, having the kids are the best gift of all.. (Macam la dah ada anak, kawin pun belum.. Hehehe)
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to kak red and ALL MOTHERS in the world!!
.-= Bella´s last blog ..Double Dosage =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 11:15:48
Happy Mother’s Day to youuu…!!
.-= Putubambu´s last blog ..weekend baru ni… =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 14:46:11
happy belated mothers day kak red…. hari hari pun mothers day kan kak…
.-= iena´s last blog ..FADHILAT BERCIUM =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 15:13:24
epy belated mother’s day kak red!
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Mau Lari Umah!! =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 17:49:02
selamat hari ibu kak red
.-= Wawa´s last blog ..Kesian Yang Menjual ke Yang Membeli? =-.
Lyn Yusoff
May 10, 2010 @ 21:14:45
alamak… lambat wish plak…
happy belated mothers day kakak..:D
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Our Beloved Mama…. =-.