May 13 2010 Thursday, 12:30 pm
Play in black, sib baik monang gak!
yearly tournament…
my first fav game everrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! ko letak lah games apa pun, ini jugak yang paling aku hadap. sakan giler suker. weekend memang wajib main, malam2 pun at least once/twice a week aku balun. but i dont play with human, main ngan sirman sokmo aku sakit jiwa. so aku main ngan yahoo chess. 1 min game. i hv officially retired from segala jenis game yang berpeluh2, but my desire and passion to chess tak pernah putus padam. i ve played for school, for state under wilayah, for ITM, for previous and current place i work, for official tournament, for over 20 years already. Even Sirman also a very good chess player, cuma anak2 tau lah movement steps chess nih but tak berapa maju sangat.
Rugi kalau anak2 aku tak tau main chess, but skang ni diorg takdelah kitorg ajar beria bonar. ringan2 jer, masa untuk depa belajar and master in chess will come one day one time. Sirman and I pun memang nak sangat diorg tau main chess, and saya juga pertama kali main chess dengan Sirman, kali pertama itulah Sirman kalah kat tangan aku. eii suker nya chess! ok ok aku over, i just love playing chess.
for the place i work nih, i ve played for 4 yrs and aku dah maintain the title of championship for ladies chess for 4 times gak.anw, my yearly tournament for this year, for first board i gotta play black, i won with checkmate using Queen and Bishop. 2nd game i ll play in white board and 3rd game i ll play in black board again. 2nd and 3rd will be played next week… hope your luck lam RM nih boleh memenangkan saya.
a story bout chess, kot korang ada tau mana2 tournament boleh je forward to us, if aku tak leh attend masuk, Sirman memang suker nak masuk tournament. cuma tu lah, kadang2 timing and schedule too packed yang kebanyakan invite chess aku terpaksa tolak ke tepi.Kalau u new readers, yes bookmark lam citer korang, RM is a prof chess player. i dont play2 while playing chess. aku memang amik serius giler bila part2 chess nih yek. Yippiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
Tweets that mention Pencinta Merah…The Red Lover…The Red Diva… --
May 13, 2010 @ 12:39:54
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Redmummy. Redmummy said: Play in black, sib baik monang gak! […]
May 13, 2010 @ 12:55:40
hai…singah dulu nanti dtg lagi sebab nak keluar g keja dulu…bye
.-= BadBoy´s last blog ..Perlukah pendidikan seks diterapkan disekolah-sekolah? =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 12:56:41
ratu chess ni….
go go kak red!!!
.-= mie´s last blog ..:: dulu anggun bergaya, kini ayu rupawan :: =-.
AKI Milinium
May 13, 2010 @ 13:03:00
Moga satu hari nanti anak-anak RM jadi Chess Master
.-= AKI Milinium´s last blog ..Ziarah Kematian Wan Limah =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 13:29:32
main chess online leh main ngan foreign ppl…
.-= purplelurve´s last blog ..Akhirnya persoalan terjawab… dia bukan sesiapa =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 13:41:48
yipeee i can see you up close with your fav game.
.-= Carol´s last blog ..**Wedding Accessories Galore** =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 13:43:49
Aku cukup tak pandai main chess ni..main dam aji bole la
May 13, 2010 @ 14:04:00
mak merah..jom lawan jer nk men2 sebab sy bkn terer pun..heheh
.-= razis´s last blog ..Hari Untuk Belia Bersuka Ria ( 14-16 May 2010) =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 14:23:49
RedChess. hahahahah
.-= asphaq´s last blog ..Kenapa Perempuan Suka Sangat Lelaki Korea?? =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 14:42:27
pernah gak belajar main chess dulu tapi haghammmm…
kepala otak adalah melembap kak
.-= mya´s last blog ..Lunch @ Restoran Krung Thep Thai Yang Tak Berbaloi. Heh. =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 15:02:01
ia president kelab chess dulu….
May 13, 2010 @ 15:04:09
kan..neooo sampai laaa ni masih tak reti jugak men cesss..sedihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
May 13, 2010 @ 15:11:38
hai kakred..akak makin cantik la..apa rahsianya…cita la sikit
.-= matakupedas´s last blog ..Nasi dagang…makanan kegemaran dari pantai timur…sedapnya…yummy…yummy.. =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 19:33:43
dam haji reti ler kak
.-= .::wanie::.´s last blog ..Jangan Potong Bang ! =-.
May 13, 2010 @ 19:51:22
hebat la mami..profesional chess player tu
.-= chybee´s last blog ..To Where It All Started =-.
May 14, 2010 @ 10:39:54
chess not my strongest game.. main dgn akak mesti kalah teruk..
ni agak2 bibit2 cintan dgn sirman sbb chess ke?

.-= Bella´s last blog ..Want to pamper yourself? Come to this women-only spa! =-.
May 14, 2010 @ 11:50:52
apa kata kita wat friendship chess tournament..leh ajak abg fesyen..
Azhar Ramli
May 15, 2010 @ 13:21:21
Perghh..boleh tahan gak RM nie..pernah tengok malaysian player main utk our investment bank competition. Diaorang warming up dah serupa macam main DAM haji..lagi laju step diaorang dari step main DAM haji..
Off topix – Will support you on the addidas ole KO contest kat midvalley..datang dengan baju merah lagiii..caiyok!caiyok! ramai-ramai kita serang Midvalley support RM…ahaks
.-= Azhar Ramli´s last blog ..GELEK GERUDI SATU JENAYAH KER?? =-.
Lyn Yusoff
May 17, 2010 @ 10:19:06
aiyoooo… lyn mmg tak reti main chess sampai kesudah..
belajar.. tapi tak masuk langsung.. sedeeyyyyyy…
anyway, good luck ratu chess….
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Shah Alam to PD & Telematch =-.
Jan 25, 2011 @ 15:33:50
kak.. kalau nak main chess secara serius boleh join kami di
disini ramai players malaysia..