May 25 2010 Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Jalan2 tengok handbags moh…
Datin Sri’s Elgie
Tod’s leather, not gonna sell yek.
House of Bally
Datin Sri bought a shoes for her hubby
Miu Miu Mini Bow – for frens in Far Far Away Country
Vitello Lux in red
Vitello Lux in grey…
2 minggu punya personal shopper’s job, baru nak kuor RM, lambat kat sini takper, but cepat je orang yang mintak gambar and harga tu dapat….
Today is to get for my reader her make up set in MAC, aku pun nak tumpang sama gak lah. not really beli, but nak tukarkan 6 barang aku yang dah abih pakai from MAC, and can redeem sebatang lipstick. jimat jimatttttttttt……
May 25, 2010 @ 14:04:09
i’m not as vogue n up-to-date as niat nak belajo make-up ni..
.-= Blabberina´s last blog ..GILA TRAFIK? =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 14:40:22
wah2…banyaknye duit….hehe
.-= zaid´s last blog ..INTER CIPTA SEJARAH SENDIRI =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 14:46:04
superrbbbbb… mmg kellassss
.-= fiza´s last blog ..2nd Last Week of MAy 2010~Meeting… =-.
ct fad
May 25, 2010 @ 15:10:49
cantik2 handbag tu..duit yg kuar pun mesti cantikk kan..hehehe
M Pcoq
May 25, 2010 @ 15:25:59
i’m a bit blur ’bout dis post huhu..wat is MAC?sowee RedMummy huhu
.-= M Pcoq´s last blog ..New Updates : Candy Canes =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 15:38:25
@M Pcoq,
MAC is the brand of the make up yang….
M Pcoq
May 25, 2010 @ 15:53:24
ooooo i ccccccc…tq Redmummy,mklum la i ni buah cmpedak di lua paga, eh bdak bru blaja ;p
.-= M Pcoq´s last blog ..New Updates : Candy Canes =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 15:37:15
datin seri elgie tak sesuai ngan saya…sbb saya gtemuk bila pakai dier mcm saya suke takper saya akan berkecimpung dgn benda lain pulak..kakakaka
btw kak…nk kirim sesuatuh nnt saya email yerrr
May 25, 2010 @ 15:37:19
shop till u drop! he3..
.-= ArELeEz´s last blog ..MENGHITUNG HARI… =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 16:35:27
beg carlo rino yang rm339 tu pun aku rasa mahal kak.
ini piula nak membeli beg rm1000 ke atas. pitamm
.-= mya´s last blog ..KakRed, Ai Pun Dapat Big Boom Bang.. =-.
May 25, 2010 @ 16:38:56
Syoknya dapat cuci mata tengok handbag kat RM
Nak masuk takutt
May 26, 2010 @ 01:07:07
alamak… tengok je? takmo sambar sekali ke??
Lyn Yusoff
May 26, 2010 @ 09:01:00
heaven giler dpt beli designer handbag ni…
tapi tgk harga dah pitam.. hahahhaa
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Quick Update.. =-.
May 26, 2010 @ 15:47:56
cantiknya handbeg2 mcm xmampu jerk nk beli heheee
May 31, 2010 @ 12:18:03
nie mmg entry utk cuci2 mata..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..I Missssssss… =-.