Jun 8 2011 Wednesday, 8:00 pm
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Dreadbox – New characters of Transformers 3 – Dark of the Moon
Aku ni bukanlah pencinta cerita Transformers sangat. Lainlah RD or Abang, depa dua tu suka la cerita-cerita camni. Even the characters dia pun aku tak kenal hiks. Sapa Autobots, apa dia Decepticons, i dunno larr. Ok maybe aku tau Optimus Prime & Bumblebee jer hehehehee. But of cos aku tak nak miss the excitement untuk menonton sequel ke 3 filem Transformers: Dark of the Moon ni.
For me, I would love to pick Dreadbox to transform into (jatuh cinta terus aku dengan kemerahan dan “kesolidan” dia). Even aku pun tak sure what kind of robot it will transform to. But when together-gether bersama Autobots yang lain and lead by the most respectful Optimus Prime, I’m sure we will transform to very powerful team to defeat robot jahat suku sakat Decepticons dan seterusnya menyelamatkan dunia sejagat.
Here is behind the scenes video. Michael Bay said that Dreadbox will have an italian accent. hahaha cool
What about you guys? Are you Autobots allies or the evil Decepticons? Blog about it because the most creative entry will win a grand prize of a 42” Panasonic VIERA 3D Plasma TV with 3D Blu-ray Player and combo kit, in addition to the pair of passes to the Transformers 3 premiere screening!
Aku tak dapat TV 42″ tu pun takper asalkan dapat Ferrari 458 Italia tu hiksss *mode berangan*
Jun 08, 2011 @ 20:32:27
saya pun takde la minat sangat..boleh tahan la..
naimulfirdaus recently posted..Peringatan kepada orang Islam
Jun 08, 2011 @ 21:41:27
autobots!! ready to transform!!! yeaaahhh
Oreo Daddy Dunk (Fathers Day 2011)
Jun 09, 2011 @ 00:59:34
akak dah tgk ker?
nurra recently posted..Eve de Beaute- The Strand Review
Jun 09, 2011 @ 01:23:12
filem 3D yang memang ditunggu2..huhu~
AziziBasyah.com recently posted..INFO Apple iOS 5
Jun 09, 2011 @ 01:51:55
saya dah siap buat entry ni.. Bumblebee.. tak sabar nak g tengok kalaulah entri saya tu memikat hati Nuffnang..
Jom baca ni :“Our World, Their War”
Jom baca ni :Wanita Obses Cantik? Jom Baca ni Dulu..
hanani recently posted..Hukum Menyebut OOOO ! M G atau Oh! My God
June a.k.a Kimi
Jun 09, 2011 @ 11:51:06
@hanani, suka ek citer camni. akak sebenarnya tak tau suka ke tak sebab tak pernah tengok pun. hehehe
June a.k.a Kimi recently posted..Ku Suka Hada Labo
Jun 09, 2011 @ 23:56:01
@June a.k.a Kimi, ok gak la kak June.. belasah je.
Jom baca ni :Wanita Obses Cantik? Jom Baca ni Dulu..
Jom baca ni :Hukum Menyebut OOOO ! M. G atau Oh! My God..
Jun 09, 2011 @ 09:16:16
best jgk lyn transformer ni kalau mmg dh xde cite nk tgk…
zakiah recently posted..sama tak muka kita ihiks!!
June a.k.a Kimi
Jun 09, 2011 @ 09:33:26
alamak.. tak pernah tengok transformer. saya pening tengok citer camni. huk huk
Zarul Umbrella
Jun 09, 2011 @ 10:44:44
ooh ada karakter baru yer..tak sabar rasanya nak nengok ni..
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Jun 09, 2011 @ 23:35:40
mmg best cte nie..harus tgk!hihi
Jun 12, 2011 @ 09:14:18
Saya suka tengok cerita Transformer ni.. Menarik.. Lagi2 kalau dapat tengok 3D.. Boleh menambahkan daya imaginasi.. hehehe..
Entri Terkini Di Blog Saya:
Tempat Undian Pada Minggu Pertama (13-18 Jun 2011)
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Jun 12, 2011 @ 12:12:57
ye sy pun mcm anuar jgk..minat giller..
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Lyn Yusoff
Jun 13, 2011 @ 18:04:55
just tgk je kak..
taklah minat pun.. hehehee
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