Nov 27 2012 Tuesday, 10:00 am
Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins
memula letak gambar ngan Mira si manis rupawan….
RM kurang rupawan kerna badan berisi
takper…ayat penyelamat
aku anak 3!
So so you have heard it, the Kardashian Kollection ada kuorkan collabraotion dresses and tops sama Dorothy Perkins. macam aku le bertahun2 pakai DP’s collections, now dah depa bercollaborate, haruslah join the league.
dan mendapat panggilan dari DP untuk dress me up with the KK’s. thanks DP!
gila ramping, tu la member aku cakap most of the celebrities ni tak makan gamaknya, depa makan pun sket tapi gym is a must!
Serena C as the host of the night
Belinda Chee ramping walaupun nampak jugak perutnya yang baru gak beranak, heh sama je kot lebih kurang ngan aku gamaknya.
all of these celebrities ni pakai the KK of DP yer
ramping2 rapat2, tapi dont worry ada jugak yang boleh dipakai if kamu rasa kamu kurang kurus
the photo group with the celebrities yang menyarung KK for DP
oh ye saya ye ye ye bla bla bla
tunggulah sket lagi aku sarungkan pulak the blue dress of Sazzy tu yer, even the top yang Daphne pakai pun aku leh sarungkan gak. all from the KK of DP
Yasin buat apa kat sini?
Tunggu wife, dia cover event nih, dia kan reporter
oh tu lah, dok pelik gak awat Yassin dok berdiri diam je tak mingle pun
Cindi lovely – thanks for the invite and the dress too
dress KK for DP dah merata ada kat market, boleh carik kat mana2 outlet of Dorothy Perkins kat Midvalley pun ada, kat Parkson KLCC pun ada jugak. Aku standard pi kat Parkson KLCC jer coz dari situlah most of my tops baju dress DP pun aku amik. now they have come out with KK, body figure apa lagik tunggu, serbu! price range is from RM100 and above, depends on the design.
My KK for DP is a gold drape dress, i m targetting to get the gold jacket, but that s from DP itself, yang tu pakai masa event lagi vass vass superb! Happy and join to like the FB!
one more post is for the KK’ dresses for DP by Redmummy, jap yek
Nov 27, 2012 @ 10:13:05
aaa.. jeles mak! hahaa
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Izz Latif
Nov 27, 2012 @ 13:49:32

cantik mengerlip!
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kifli mally
Nov 27, 2012 @ 14:30:12
letop kak red malam tu. Makan hati kejap
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Nov 27, 2012 @ 18:53:11
wah dah masuk golongan selebriti dah RM. Tahniah
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Nov 27, 2012 @ 19:24:01
tebalnya make up, hehehe
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Nov 27, 2012 @ 19:39:10
sazzy!!! ramping giler walau beranak dua.Tapi dia kan active body tone…
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Lyn Yusoff
Nov 28, 2012 @ 09:50:06
semua ramping2. hehehe
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Nov 28, 2012 @ 11:32:42
kak nak kuar tajuk skit boley??
u pakai supplement ape ekk, kulit u gebu…i loike
leh share?? ngeeeee
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Nov 29, 2012 @ 09:37:57
ayat penyelamat aku anak 3 tu alasan je kak,,..hehehe :p
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Nov 29, 2012 @ 15:04:49
Wahh bestnye.. Abg yassin pun ada..
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Dec 01, 2012 @ 14:54:14
erk.. apasal mesti silang kaki eh… :aie:
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