Feb 13 2017 Monday, 8:00 am
Festival Catur Putrajaya, my first tournament for 2017.
This entry is about Chess, my fav game ever. Aku boleh put aside any entries, but when comes to chess. cannot wait wait one hahahaha…..
so ai registered myself and husband for this event. Memang dah tutup registration pun (coz aku tau lambat, I had to check something kat Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan and stumbled with their announcement on the Festival Catur nih). But aku merayu kat organizer if I boleh selit2 gak…alhamdulillah. But on the day of event, aku sorang jer pergi. Laki is membuta HUH!!!
captured my husband’s name there, on the first game, he was supposed to play that Yamin guy (apparently he s quite a very good player, rajin dok record the movements). at the hujung of the event, that guy was ranked number 30. but frankly speaking, ai think my husband can be one of the top 20s, he s way better than me, aku susah nak menang lawan ngan laki aku tuh.
the situation dalam dewan chess. ada lebih 70 tables untuk tournament for open category.
it s a swiss manager program with 20min timer.
by the way, before the first game starts, a guy told me that this table/dewan is meant for players, if nak hantar anak, di floor bawah. Hem…bang ooo bang…takkan ler vogue2 macam saya tak leh main chess bang? LOL
Memang dah selalu sangat lelaki pandang rendah ngan akak, other ladies pun kena as well if we can play chess. This game is not meant for men jer. Please watch Queen of Katwe – based on a true story.
untuk first game, I was playing white and I resigned. Mungkin coz gelabah, lawan2 akak semuanya lelaki. Jarang my tournaments lawan ngan lelaki (kecuali ngan laki sendiri or ngan close male frens). It s not a good start, awal2 game dah kalah kan. so takpe, baru first game. Lama giler heh tak join tournament kan…(jangan compare ngan yang opis punya, itu beza sangat).
on my 2nd game, I had to play black, with abang ni yang datang all the way from Kuching Sarawak. Ni lagi hakak ngeri, kalau datang jejauh, ohmy, mesti superpower rangers gak, but this is tournament, anything could happen. I manage to win on this set. yey!
ada lebih 200 orang kat floor sini, termasuk dengan organizers, parents yang teman anak2/gf bf spouses teman partners, so aku duduk sorang2 jer bila setiap kali break for the next game. Sambil layan IG Stories buat live update. Didnt know anyone here, chess ramai lelaki kan, so lagi ler aku tak mingle. Lepak hujung sorang2…muka comot. stress oi main tournament nih. kepala ko rasa haishh….
3rd game, i played white. I won, alhamdulillah.
dengan abang from Banting kot
5th and 6th game, akak draw. First draw coz stalemate pasai ai dah tak boleh move, and if i were to move (naikkan pawn), I can win by timer. but i cannot take that risk coz ada lagi 20seconds left, he could mate me. Bahaya. Though his timer memang dah kedaung jauh. The 2nd draw pulak, he forced for draw pasal, he s loosing. I m winning and he ada castle, but i ada pawn so he ate my pawn to get the draw. Itu lagi ler 10seconds jer aku nak menang by timer. grrrr….pandai dia. Yelah kalau dia tak draw, dia kalah. so baik dia buat draw.
gambar ni dapat from the tingkap chess, ini je sesatunya gambar chess yang aku ada waktu main. lelain sume selfie sendiri heheehe….ai think this one masa main on my 2nd game.
pastuh ada break tak sampai sejam, kena la pi turun bawah jauh sket, ada food trucks. orders banyak coz ramai orang kat sini, so dapat beli apa yang sempat jer a pack of mee goreng. Selera takde la sangat but coz I have to eat for the sake of my health, tengah game kan…
The event ni masuk Malaysia Books of Record, sebabnya paling banyak penyertaan dari pelajar sekolah. Lebih 1200 students untuk under age 16, ada jugak students yang masuk dalam Open Category. Oh mine was Open Category. Event kat Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan nih, dari awal pagi, before 8 akak dah terpacak kat sini, and habis around 5ish pm.
Petangnya berlangsung Round 7 (played white) and round 8 (played black) and I menang for both games too. Checkmate. Ranking, tak lah tinggi, but bolehlah dari takder, ai dapat number 44 out of 149 players (but kat kertas tulis ada 169players). So that s it…overall result, i won 4, draw 2 and resigned 2. Festival Catur Putrajaya, my first tournament for 2017.
Lots of chess players were asking me, kenapa baru sekarang ai muncul, join the tournament, pasalnya ai ve been buzy with my blogging life, for over 13years, dengan blog punya hal and events, yang ai had to spend most of the weekends. Tak kemampuan nak join sume2 tournaments yang ada. But this year, dah boleh join balik tournament coz my events dah cool down, and most importantly, my first 2 kids dah besar panjang sket…even Zeeshan pun akak nak enroll dalam Chess Class (coz kakaknya tak minat sangat, abang minat but kurang strategy yet).
If ada big2 chess tournaments yang korang tau, bolehlah tag akak, i have one in mind on March, at PICC tu but takleh nak join coz clash wt my other stuff pulak. Thanks and congrats to the organizers of Festival Catur Putrajaya, good job. See you mate!
Feb 13, 2017 @ 09:34:59
Salam redmummy,
Saya perasan awak ada main kat festival tu.
Utk nak dapat score penuh …redmummy bole refer link dibawah :-
Have a nice day!
Hairulov recently posted..IM Irene Kharisma Sukandar Simul and Chess Clinic is back !
Feb 13, 2017 @ 10:09:51
thanks!! salam. i read your blog earlier to check on the tournament. thanks for dropping by.
Feb 13, 2017 @ 10:33:33
alaaaa…klu tau kak red kt pjaya boleh teman sambil jadi pom pom girl utk kak red..hehehe
Feb 13, 2017 @ 10:42:57
alah, cek la live ig stories akak len kali
sembab boring takde kawan situ hahaha
Feb 13, 2017 @ 11:38:46
laaaaa.. nak main jugak…lama gile tak main since uni 10 tahun lalu.. akak nnt kalau ada tournament area berdekatan,i.e. putrajaya, cyber, kajang.. announce la.. leh la kita sesama..
Feb 13, 2017 @ 12:02:41
cayalah k.red!!
chess ni mmg ramai lelaki yg main kan? kalau ada pompuan, depa pandang lekeh noo. hehe.. saya main gak, tapi so-so ja. takuit nak join tournament.. haha
Agen Sabung Ayam
Feb 13, 2017 @ 18:37:29
I love Thailand, ko samui is my favorite place..
Sang Karayam
Feb 14, 2017 @ 15:00:42
Nak ikut games catur ni, langsung game over hahaha
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syakilla azam
Feb 14, 2017 @ 22:44:18
Assalam… Ingin tingkatkan tahap kesihatan anda? Jemput singgah kat blog Killa ye? Tinggalkan jejak anda ye? Killa nak jalan-jalan kat blog anda…… http://www.syakillaazam.my
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Feb 15, 2017 @ 13:53:18
caya la kak…i lagi la Dam aji pun kelaut…hahahah..proud of you kak
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Printing Baju Murah
Feb 15, 2017 @ 21:51:58
lama dah tak main chest sejak busy kerja ni.. =)
Feb 19, 2017 @ 23:50:38
Tahniah akak, bos saya ade jugak join catur tapi takde pulak gambar dia dalam blog akak…hihihi
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