3 casual bags of Marc Jacobs…

Pemborongan terhebat for Feb/ March from USA but via @myvamore 

Next month onwards tak tau la apa lagi tangan ni gatai nak memboli plakkan…

But tell u, cheappppppppppppppppppp. compared than other countries or even lam KL sendiri heh.  So aku beli terus 14pcs! Alhamdulillah selamat sampai ke tangan dengan penuh bahagia smile smile….

Bath and Body Works – wallflowers. Currently aku memang ada plugnya for like hem…6,7 pcs kalau tak silap. so wallflowes refills ni memang kena stand by banyak gaklah. i love the good smell of the house, selain dari ni ada lagi pewangi rumah jenis diffusers lain gak aku pakai. macam2 types.



and and and

bila Myvamore pergi outlet, aku sesaja la tanya if Marc Jacobs ado kan (for US brand better to get MJ, Kate Spade, MKors or Coach from there lah), among all brands nih, aku suka lagi MJ. so yes….but of cos aku tak nak le bags mengarut2 kan, aku nak crossbody bags yang leh pakai for jenjalan, weekends, travel gitu…




Dan terhasillah 3 bijik cross-body bags nih, except merah tu, sling boleh, shoulder boleh, and practical gak bawak pi opis. Nice….this week I baru nak start pakai one of the bags lah… and so weekends leh sarung the other 2 pulak…yippi happy happy.

Bertambah lah sikit bags weekends yang sedia ada. Thanks Myvamore!

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