Apr 26 2008 Saturday, 12:00 pm
I m leaving for good…
well..if you are my loyal readers, mesti u all dah perasan that some of my entries mentioned bout last, good bye, bla yaading dong so on…n knowing me, agak susah la nak aku elaborate what is happening currently. some of my ppl are reading my blog, so i wud prefer to put it quietly coz kang dema tau lak apa yang akan terjadi. anw, yes i m going somewhere for GOOD!
my kelig yang sitting next to me, in tower’s office is actually a man. i never put his face in my blog. tapi sebenarnya 3,4 ari sebelum his wife delivered a second baby, kelam kabut aku dibuatnya mencarikkan tukang urut bidan utk jaga wife dia for the first 3 days. rumahnya kat ngan umah aku, so i had to ask nana my sis carikkan tukang urut for his wife. aku dah 4 taun beranak, tukang urut aku import from langat, jauh sgt for him.
kenapa aku letak gambar cekak tu kan..coz soon the cekak will be moved somewhere…. the moment my male kelig ni back from his overseas trip insyallah sempat dia buat umrah nanti, the cekak wont be there anymore. dia dok sound aku bila lah nak simpan cekak tu, aku buat bodhoh jer…hiks!
as i leave office on friday…my back table is empty already.
i ve been sitting here for 4 months, since the day i ve been seconded to the subsidiary’s company. where do i go next….not that far
n this is the official announcement, emailed to everyone in my subs’s comp, sent by the BB.
It has been a rollercoaster situation since XX was initiated in Sept 07 and we are grateful to Redmummy for her undivided service to the company and individuals alike during the difficult times. On behalf of the company, I wish her all the best in her endeavour in her newly XX. We will miss Redmummy colorful and resourceful qualities and will be difficult to replace.
This explains everything… im not gonna be a full time blogger yet, im still going to be a balaci mar.
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