Feb 17 2008 Sunday, 5:00 am
Red Gegirl…
upload image ni memanjangkan badan anak aku plak…
dia pun nak gak belajar pi tuition cam abangnya, kulu kilir bawak kaler pencel ngan colouring booknya. colour box tu abangnya punya, tu psl blue karer….
shes actually waiting for her mom to get a new dress.. the 3 of them got their new shirts already, and the mom always be last person to get a new one, specially for the special occasion.
even she has finished colouring the drawings, maknye masih lagi in the changing room…i tried few dresses, and i m still not sure what should i take..
actually kan, doesnt matter new dress or old shirts, bila dah kaler merah, orang tak tau itu baju baru ke lama tau… sbbnya, segobok penuh kaler tu jer..
and back to gegirl, she got CNY’s angpau from the owner of this boutique.
Feb 19, 2008 @ 12:55:00
comel je bdk nh duk mewarna tu..

kira isi masa lapang gk la tu..