Message in my Contact Red…

wahaha, ade mael ngumpat hr tu kan,..saje kan,.haha,..


kak,..sirman g mn kali ni,..kejap je eh,..brape lame,..harus la si adik reporter yg cantik tu jd tmn lg kn nk kemana2,..hehehe,..


hmm, bunga x p party eh,..hhehe,..kak mael tau la die da kawen,..da ade anak sorg, 2nd nye pregnant kn,..hehe,.saje je la,..bkn nk ngorat pon,..cma nk usha2 jerk,.hahahaha, slm kt die eh,..ngan laki die tau,..berani kn suh the red mummy jd posto,..hahaha


ala,.klu saya ckp suke tgk akak nnti jd laen lak,..sti sirman leyh bace semua ni kan,..kantoi ah,..hahahaha,..sori2 sirman,..maen2 je,..lgpon akak dh rmi peminat kt sini kan(including me),.haaa peminat tuh,..bkn pembaca lg,..hahaha,..


waaa panjang lak merepek kali nih kan,..saje je,.nk bg akak ade keje sket,..nnti klu xde keje boring2 sti teringt kt sirman kan,..ehhe,..ok kak,..see u n gdluck wif the intebius!!



what i like about the Contact Red, my reader can jump to me directly and send lots of comments. Your comments in my each entry is still needed, but this one message is a bit funny. think u know this fella already. yang terbabas2 panggil email id aku merapu2 bagai disebutnya dulu masa akak buat private blog.


anw all, i tried to reply all comments but kalo x sempat saya mohon maaf, kakitangan x ckp lah you. and yang leave comments in the Contact Red pun i cuba gak reply to each one of you.



Comment: 9