Mar 15 2008 Saturday, 10:30 am
Stationeries set…
salam all, this is my Red Diva’s keeper. remember him? i was busy shopping wt my 2 girls when he smsed me that he s in KL speficially kat MV. coincidently, i met him just for 10min coz i need to go off wt the girls… he s in kl, ada keje sket, kak linda and the 2 girls x dpt nak turun sama. selamat pulang ke ganu bang madredo1.
this is what we shopped, gila banyak stationeries. aku kena buat keje underground ngan the girls. we cant wait for the supplier to deliver, and big boss gave us cash money, i told the girls, aku kuasa pi MV je, korang kalo nak pi kedai lain Mydin ke bagai mak x de daya. ngan jem kat luar tu, MV is the easiest way.
we bought extra coz some can be used in our JB’s office. kompeni yang baru nak naik gini u cant expect that everything is ready, kami yang pioneer kena mulakan semuanya from the beginning, lepas dah setaun 2 nanti mesti x yah dah buat keje terus ke pintu kedai, but tokey kedai kena terus anto kat pintu kami.
n for the first time gak aku dok menara till almost 7pm tonite. biasa 530 wa dah cabut, lainlah kat tower, dok lama tetiap ari pun aku selesa. i was running through the cvs, playing around wt my new gadget. oh yeah, Being Normal, Botak, Seman, Pearl, BabyG, Momo oh whoelse yang selalu bmsgr aku yg baca blog ni…i m returning back my old berry since this fella is giving me new gadget similar to berry. lam new gadget tu, semua ada similar to our Berry, satu je takdak – Blackberry messanger. so kalo aku x menyahut bila korang panggil tu pepaham lah yeah…
Beruang Madu
Mar 15, 2008 @ 12:19:46
takpe …org lain tak manyahut takper.. aku jangan, jarang2 aku memanggil, biasanya hot issue tu… hehehheeee
Mar 15, 2008 @ 14:19:41
yg penting
beg marah tu maintain lawa…
Mar 15, 2008 @ 15:19:34
siot je husna..nmpk je ko kan…eh bang mat mai kl lg ke..wah jalan sakan ek…
mad redo1
Mar 16, 2008 @ 23:51:45
jalan-jalan kejap jer… ada khojer ita ooiii… hehehe…