hosting upgraded

Initial hosting was ProSite Standard package which only entitle for only 60GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer. so disebabkan kefemesan bini aku ni (kembang la tu) & kesetiaan pembaca2 tegar seperti anda semua, up till today the bandwidth transfer almost exceed the limit. to be exact the bandwidth transfer for this month is 57GB. tinggal 3GB jer.. takkan survive till end of the month.

so kena la upgrade ke ProSite Expert package which cost redmummy rm250 annually. this package however allow 200GB monthly bandwidth transfer.


so ape lagi terjah la… ajak2 la kenkawan lain mai sini… kasik utilise all the bandwitdh allocated. kalo dak membazir jer dak…

and hopefully this allocation can serves you guys way much better!

another thing was, the wordpress also upgraded to version 2.3.3

ooo lupa *promosi* hosting provider is Senihost

– yg menjalankan tugas
ashterix aka sirman

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