Red eyes…

enaf wt one whole day entry wt the redmummy on maria’s show, tv3. muntahbelahak lah kang asik mende yang sama jer… citer lain la pulak.


btw, when im asking a favour to promote my blog, aku tak s all up to you. in fact aku mintak stopkan the promotion till the number of bloggers promotion cecah 20 bloggers. but frens tetap gak nak buat…reaching 35 bloggers to be exact. itupun yang ai dapat track from the tracker. yang aku miss, tu tak tau lah..sorry kalau tak letak yr blog add in the special entry.


tapi aku kesian jugak, ada yang blognya terus dilanda musibah, bukan sbb ppl are going to your blog, but readers in your blog terus terdiam bila ko buat entry on . they do not want to leave comments at all even they usually leave comments for every of your entries. and tak cukup ngan tu, ada yang jadi lalat, kutuk aku kaw kaw kopi kaw lam blog  diorg bila depa promote my show in tv3. sian depa ni kena serang dek lalat (to 35 bloggers and the rest yang not in the 35 list, saya mohon ampun maaf hanya kerana saya, entry anda dibelasah!)


kadang-kadang, terimalah hakikat manusia yang ada rasa benci hasad dengki…ada yang tak suka engko mempopularkan diri (yeah right, some ppl wanted to be promoted so that she can become a full time blogger – ai la tu!), and ada jugak yang tak suka dengan the famousness yang dia dapat (ai gak lah tu yg korang hasadkan!)


my active commentators one day will be on silent mode, not leaving any comments in my blog anymore….sejarah telah banyak terbukti, they will stay aside, jadi silent reader. and new readers will hit the clock back…sudah 3 tahun aku melihat suasana begini…


actually, ai tau lah ramai yang tak sukakan redmummy ni, tapi tetap gak baca blog aku, saje nak menambahkan kebencian kat aku, i donno why. nak kata aku ada hutang ko tak de, nak kata aku dah berkasar ngan ko pun takde, nak kata aku kenal pun tidak jugak…so ppl is judging other ppl via blog.


but back to sirman’s style…buat bodoh jer! yang masyuk is bukan those yang ‘act like one kind’ ppl…


“To the Red Diva, I know the path to achieve this status didn’t come easily. You’ve crossed lots of bumps , you’ve got your ups & downs. You have gained some fans & lost some friends. Others are still ever supportive of you, just as some are being malicious to you. But there’s no one can take away the Diva Redness in you!” crazzy shopper


bencikan aku, janganlah dibencikan orang2 yang sitting around me, tak ada cacat cela depa tu kat korang, tuju kat ai ni jer…ai kan red diva (so u got problem with that? ok if u have problem wt my red diva thingy, go check out the tv3’s web la!)


frens, ai m ok….just that aku kesian ngan bloggers yang mendapat tempias aku, berkawan wt redmummy @ kak red banyak masalah yang korang dapat gamaknya…wallahualam.



Comment: 31