Apr 16 2008 Wednesday, 5:01 pm
Red VS Blue…
the second game last nite, i was facing blue team. 2 games in a row..akak dah biasa dah yang oi. dulu aku main for wilayah, lagi hazab ok. tu pasal sapa suh aku main kat Midvalley yang beratus orang main tu, aku x kuasa….pengalaman ko either ko rajin nak masuk big event, or ko dok je lah layan pengalaman tu kat anak-anak jer. busuk2 pun dok lam sports carnival cam ni. aku bukan gila gelemer la hanjeng, tp ppl comes to me, and some more ai have to be famous so aku leh le jadi full time blogger. x paham lagi ke.
pandai kawan aku snap gambo gini, ok selain dr telling u a story bout my chess thingy, im helping my fren for his web too. berbulan dia mintak aku promote tp aku kan ala2 allergic je bila nak promote orang. u paham lah sebab musababnya. so since he s my REAL fren, and he s eagerly to snap these photos, why not i do a favour jugak to him. anw, my opponent for this 2nd game pun datang lam 3,5 min lambat.
malu ai tau u snap2 gambo while kepala otak aku ngah struggling to checkmate her. kawan sebelah aku tu dok berdiri, pasai dok tunggu opponent dia ilang entah ke mana, my oren partner ni menang wt timer, blue team anto orangnya lambat bebonar.
btw, i was expecting to meet Miss F for this game. F ke mana ko menghilang dik? no harm F, but i think u play better than your substitute. akak penah main ngan engko last year kan, so akak tau lah your level of chess yang oi. Ko bz ke ko cuti mc dik? Ms F is my silent reader…never ask me bout blog thingy, and i never ask her bout her blog, u see..we respect each other’s personal life.
my happy mood. aku ngah tunggu one more step jer to checkmate her. yes, i won this game..total up dah 3 games aku menang. ai have another one last final game nxt wk, sapa suka kuning? ha i m meeting kuning nanti. Being Normal – for 3 years in a row jadi Ladies Champion, x kan x nak consider apa-apun? Nanti ko propose ek…beria la aku kan, menang belum abih lagi, dah berangan. takpe la berangan nak jadi excellent player dr cakap pusing2 tarak jalan jugak ada..
Stop talking bout chess, nxt week kita sambung balik. right now aku nak carik mana indoor shoes aku, ai nak pi training netball lah pulak. Thank you Seman for the sweet photos.
Apr 16, 2008 @ 17:40:19
WHITE TEAM ada kak??
Apr 16, 2008 @ 17:45:44
good luck kakakku yerr… sori lama tak comment. luv u kakak!
mya’s last blog post..B for …………
Apr 16, 2008 @ 18:03:04
kagum lg skali!!!
chaiyokk pon lg skali!!!
areleez’s last blog post..LuNcH… mAmAk…
Apr 16, 2008 @ 18:55:41
vagg – white tarakkkkkkkkkkkkk lar. ko nak buat mende?
mya – weih project kita tu mungkin x jadi, nnt kita ym balik
areleez – x de nak kagum, bukan lawan si kasparov pung
Apr 17, 2008 @ 07:48:15
ku suka putihhhhhhhhhhhhh
Apr 16, 2008 @ 19:37:17
okeh kak, esok kite burak lg yer..
mya’s last blog post..B for …………
Apr 16, 2008 @ 19:49:57
ingat ke nk lawan ngan bluequil..
afham’s last blog post..Anwar Ibrahim Club
miss F
Apr 20, 2008 @ 01:54:52
Huhu kak Red, sorry ler. Ada hal sikit hari tu. Last minute. Tu yg x dpt nak turn up tu.