Selatan’s Afternoon…

the office that im supposed to be located permanently 🙂 …..

the workstation semua bebaru, new office new environment but same people..

she s one of the flowers in the division, n she s among the first group been moved to JB, to be exact Nusajaya. i m going to miss her sweet smile…

the 2 boys took me to the Nasi Beriani Gam, one of the boy left early today, afternoon flight.

gambar nasi menunjukkan mmg aku sesangat lapar…

kenyang perut, kepala penat mata mengantuk badan lentok…

we finished our interview task just at 5pm, they sent me back to the hotel, coz aku malas penat nak ikut depa pi shopping perabut. depa dah mula pindah dok sini, since i m leaving the company, malas lah aku nak merajinkan badan mengekor..

sampai bilik pintu x bley bukak, dedua access cards tak jalan, dahlah kaki aku lenguh. dont care one, bukak kasut aku tunggu their service man bagi a new key

my ‘workstation’ to be, unfor i leave everything behind..for good.

sorrylah sayang semua, i will not reveal least u know i m moving forward my career to somewhere…

i m supposed to leave JB, taking the last flight but i may change to afternoon if semua siap tip top. to my loyal readers in i wish we can meet, tiada rezeki. lagipun akak2 JB tu pun bz gamaknya…

i m taking a short nap, they are going to take me out for dinner and dvds hunting…

kalo jumpa kedai dvd, kalo takde, ghentikan ler….

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