2 news on Friday…

everyone went to Isetan big sales. not me. ai have 2 isetan cards, one aku bagi Ms Lemb, one lagi Ms Tall pinjam coz dia nak masuk isetan. i m not interested to join them. lagi serabut kepala aku. they even left isetan without buying anything coz the q panjang macam ular sawa. sib baik aku x mengekor.

ai took my sweet little time finishing my job, peacefully. i went down to the Bodyshop again (remember bodymist aku kena curik while sending my car for service, yes they will repay back, …ok i will blog bout it later). sebab nak makan pun everywhere jem q panjang, i cut my lunch tapau the cold storage nasi grg and ramly burger. ate nasi at my place but the burger sampai sudah tak berusik. appetite takde 🙁 .

odw up to office, my few frens asked me to join them at the San Fran, oh panas…malas lah. lagi serabut lg pala yg rimas ni. balik naik atas..n when i got 2 news. OMG!!!! manusia jenis hapa la tu…

left office around 8ish, bapak la jem sana sini. asal ujan jer ginilah jadinya. kebetulan org depan aku has nice plat no….reminds me to someone.

His birthday is 19 October… what a coincidence kan..nice number.

Thank God, dah school break!!! jalan mesti agak kurang jem, and budak2 pun happy2 x yah tidur awal x yah belek buku sangat…

Life looks simple and ez, but deep down in my heart, can u really see it?


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