Jun 18 2008 Wednesday, 2:45 pm
new arrival from Eclipse, nak gelak aku tengok the top 3 punya shoes tu..kalo x perasan mmg korang ngamik. tp ai terus gelak..ada ke patut design tepi2 dia tu ala2 egypt kubah yang kotak2 tu…doiii!
nxt door of Eclipse is Edmunser…saya bukan peminat belt, Ms Lemb suka benor ngan benda ni…dia suh aku snap blog kan…
hbag merah yang kecik atas tu, dah 8 bulan on display for sales…hampir2 aku nak ngamik, team lama aku nak belikan for my farewell dulu, sib baik aku x pilih..bila dah tengok lelama, aisay..cam x cung plak
coz i m more interested wt this red hbag..RM119!!
aku x amik, dont want to invest and spending anything now..
ada sapa mau beli as birthday present? my bday is just around the corner jer
Jun 18, 2008 @ 15:00:57
santiknye bag tu red…i terberkenan gak..camne…tapi i nak kaler hitam la..heheh
neway..i nak invite u to my blog..nanti i send email ye..i dah link ur blog dah..hehe
erni @ cepotet
Jun 18, 2008 @ 15:31:29
cantiknya kak handbag tu. kalau erni, dah amik dah rasanya. dah la memang tengah carik handbag pun sekarang ni. huhuhu..
erni @ cepotet’s last blog post..Cucur Udang
Jun 18, 2008 @ 15:32:56
My personal opinion,I love small handbag in red colour compare the big one yg you nak beli tu because for me small one design and style dia lebih cun.Trust me if you wear with black or grey suit you will looks more outstanding plus looks more exlusive and corporate chic.
Beg yg besar tu for me more suitable for weekend use.
Just my 2cent.
Timmy Timun
Jun 18, 2008 @ 15:43:36
wahh kak red, cepat btol kak red mengupdate blog ni… dalam sehari mesti kene bukan 2-3 kali blog kak red nak kene baca so that tak ketinggalan citer kak red…hehhe…
anyway, I am one of your new reader…first time blog hop terjumpe blog kak red.. terus melekat…
Timmy Timun’s last blog post..Stress free day!
Jun 18, 2008 @ 15:57:09
beg merah tue cantek…!!! kena dengan kak red. Kak red, u inspired me. I sekarang pun takleh tengok handbag. Mesti nak beli punya.
edzura’s last blog post..Workload
Being Normal
Jun 18, 2008 @ 18:17:23
k red…sunggu cantik!!!! tapi tak leh nak shopping!!!!
Being Normal’s last blog post..Boys will be boys
Jun 18, 2008 @ 19:07:14
tgh pk pk…adekah berbaloi beli handbag untuk diri sendiri…sbbnye….hmmmm tak rajin nak memakai! tp rerasanye…nak carik jugala satu yg beso gabak!
Jun 18, 2008 @ 19:48:33
julai kan kak???
Jun 18, 2008 @ 20:43:12
dear all, fyi, Redmummy’s birthday is on 11 July. Siapa2 nak hantar present, must send to her mother’s house. So, Red, kena kasilah address. Takkan gamak you nak suruh the readers semua tu buat perhimpunan tunngu you kat KLCC pulak!
A N N’s last blog post..That phenomenal legend pic!
Oct 11, 2008 @ 15:20:09
di mana2 jek ada merah kan kak