Maxis Celcom

some of you my readers are communicating wt me via my Maxis line, some via Celcom.

Big favour here, soon sapa2 yang tepon my maxis line, sms to my maxis line..will no longer be entertained (macam poyo je ayat).

I have 3 lines, one principal line gave to sirman (took this line since 9 years ago). then took supplementary line for myself after leaving Minister. Got Celcom line from the place i work. been carrying 2 phones since 4 years ago. n the supp line, bayar buta tapi boleh bilang ngan jari lam sebulan bape kali pakai. 5,6 kali replied sms?

So, that line will not be terminated – cerita beria komplen line tu x pakai tp x nak gak terminate kan hiks.. pardon me. cerita aku x abih lagi lah.

That line has unique numbers wt my celcom line. I will keep the line, dedicate the line to my first child yang keluar dari perut aku dulu….ye pemenangnya ialah Abang. sorry gegirl, u were produced a bit later 🙂 Anw, Abang is not going to use the line right now lah, masanya akan tiba. koman2 bila dia dah mula pakai hp, donno lah taun bila lagi kan, aku leh detect ngan sapa dia bergayut so on. Power to Mommy!

Attention here…yang selalu sms ai via my maxis line, pls change the 012 to 019 sahaja, yang the back 7 digits tu sama je. contohnya my 012 000 0000 u change to 019 000 0000. Pasal tu lah aku x nak terminate that number. kang x match wt the celcom line. But u need to stop sending sms to my maxis right now, pasal i wont be carrying that line anymore. simpan off katup! nnt kang jangan ada bising lak kata aku x jwb sms, kak red sombonglah…ni le sebabnya korang baca blog aku. kat blog leh buat announcement. thankies.

those readers yang selalu sms me via Maxis line, to name a few, kalau ada nama tertinggal jangan kecik ati ye, saya mintak maaf: rose, kak awie, rick, riny, chique, falah, maya, ayu ayu ayu (ramai sgt nama ayu), kak ela, vp, husna from shah alam, kak midah, along fida, nen, Noor, Nazla, sebol, hatta dolmat, Vern sta maria, rose umimia, abang TT, dela ishak, kak jelly, raihan, TJ diary, Bang Beruang/Shah, Kak Mas VA, Nor, Eddy Purnama, Kak Nida VA…

say babai to Maxis @ Macis!

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