Squash Training…

mai oh mai….bapak lama nya x main squash. i hv to take initiative to do my own training, tunggu Orange Captain to call for any training pun senyap jer. so sendiri lah hayun racket. I booked my super old coach, Seman. told him ai need 1 hour training, kol 6 start pap pukul pap, by 7 aku kena cabut.

Thank God, kali ni dia punctual. kalo x berjinggut aku nak menunggu dia turun. mbe sbb aku tlg bawakkan ‘surat berduit’ dia hiks…

my god, kelabu asap nya mata budak ni!

She joined my tah hape2 training. basically, main bantai2 bola kat dinding jer. stroke serve, thats it.

Being Normal @ BN very famous in my blog too…sharing her bday wt Momo!

Momo…ai miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

sorang tu jadi tukang sibuk je menengok…hey, that charming boy is still single. as he stated in his blog:

get married in 2009 (2010 – stretch) and have 3 kids by 2015

hemm...i think he is still looking for a steady gf 🙂

he doesnt has a nick name yet, so ai name him Boboy (gila bunyik semacam jer, tp suka aku lah kan)

kompem tangan kanan aku sakit, yes lah…lama dah x main. the last squash training n game yang aku main was last year, that was like almost a year mannnn! damnnnn!

bapak la muka penat! berpeluh gila..but i hv no time to belek telek, rushed to my mom’s hse to fetch gegirl. sirman ada concall kat office so nak tak nak aku kena sampai umah cepat gak coz abang is wt Fifin. Fifin nak balik weiii….

ngam2 aku sampai, half an hour later baru Fifin balik. betullah aku pecut x hengat!….saya tau saya bz, saya ada anak2 tapi saya juga perlu layan kehendak sports saya, jadi selagi boleh saya pastikan semuanya in order. tu pasal awal2 aku dah tepon jai, cook the dinner for me, fifin will take, siapkan utk abang makan. so on…i m a bit organized. nama pun mak kan, sume mak cam aku lah…tengok macam rugged tp behind the laughing, the training, u dont know what s in the mom’s mind. sambil hayun racket (abang dah sampai umah ke, abang dah makan ke, gegirl buat hapa ye). true!

back to my squash, i m gonna need 2,3 more trainings lah…my stroke cam hanj jer..menci lah. ai forgot about the T zone in the court, lupa the skill to manipulate the game.

orange orange…if u are reading this, can the captain pls call up for training? aku tak tau depa nak aku main in the game or not, but if u dont, tell me lah, x de lah aku cam pandai2 je turun training pastu kang ‘red, we dont need u in squash!’…


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