I have a new private blog…

too many double faces

reading this blog

and passing message around

depan aku muka tunduk

belakang aku, segala isi blog ni dihapalnya

hey guys, i hv a new private blog anw…drop an email if u want me to invite you. Only trusted parties will be invited, and of course the new blog takde lam google search engine at all 🙂 . dont u ever try to find me!

merah ke red ke, not even in my new private blog

that s where ai can openly write bout the double faces, kak yahnambedah!



calm down everyone…

this blog, redmummy.com is still alive, aku x kan biarkan redmummy.com yang dah gah berleluasa ni terkubur begitu sahaja 🙂 hey come on, i work hard to become a full time blogger hokey. takkanlah senang2 hanya kerana lalat aku nak padamkan blog merah yang cantik ini.

my new private blog, of cos lah situ kira kaw2 das gila aku buat. at the moment, i m inviting the most top priority close frens first, pelan2 kayuh yer dulu. saya perlukan trust first then only i can invite you. tu pasallah korang yang jadi silent reader ni jangan jadi silent reader, leave comments banyak kali aku dah cakap. so ni ha ko tengok, beratus emails aku dapat tak masuk yang leave comments lam ni. satu hallah pulakkan aku nak study sapa engko. ramai yang ngaku silent reader, but saya sangat berhati2 untuk private blog saya.

kalau hari ni saya x invite awak, esok lusa saya anto invite. dan mungkin hari ni awak dapat invite, tetiba esok lusa awak x dpt masuk coz ai will randomly take out your names from the private blog. ko hengat senang nak jadi red diva??

gosh at the moment plus comments, emails, ym and sms…ada lebih 300 applications request to access to my private blog yet blogspot is giving 100 invited readers ajer. ha camne ni?

situ mmg segala rahsia aku bongkar, siapa mereka, siapa lalat, apa yang depa dah buat, apa yang depa shoot, aku copy paste bulat2… dengan gambar2 sekali aku jadikan evidence ye adik akak abang…

but expect for no regular updatelah for that private blog, ada issue, ada entry 🙂

I will not tolerate wt that parties, something happened today and i will attack you back to back again via my blog.

This is cyber war, kalau ko nak attack aku, guna hakai lah, bukaklah blog kasi maki sama aku! bebal!!!

i have an announcement to make, i have published it and it should be out tomorrow morning. BUT THE BEST PART IS I WON THAT CASE!!!!


middle finger to you bitches!

**this entry kena ada on the main page, for my info.

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