Bersama Mak Merah

Continuation from Yinie’s BMM

hi kak..pls thank them for their comments and kata smangat…i appreciated it so much.

as for my mom, actually me n my sis are afraid wen she is left alone without doin nothing…y? coz she tends to cry ..wen she look at my youngest son she’ll cry..he has my father’s look. mana taknye..i tgh sarat ngandung wen things worsen..oh! how i hated him, kak.. for doin so to mom but same time i felt relieved, after all these years mom tersiksa memendam rasa, now she’s free…she has all the penyakit wat they call the package, high blood, kencing manis (insulin cucuk sndiri) n jantung. dat wat worries me..there are times she said she wants to kill herself, yg ni mmg mguji. kak.. now u can imagine how i felt wen i dunno her whereabouts. she’s been saying again n again after my sis completes her studies she’ll take her own life.. how i wish i could turn back time…so dat they can still live happily till father never wants my mom back.its over for him. he said he wants to be free, to live his life he happy??!!where dat ugly bitch.kak i got her name n ic no.huh (wat evil thing can we do to her…uz joking)

my wish n prayers was dat my father could open his heart for mom again , juz to remarry but never mind if they cant live together but juz to take care of her…

and for this housemate of mine…yesterday i packed my things , letak dpn pintu nak buh dlm kete la..imagine i p back n forth tak sorg pn offer nk tlg. pangai i pn kalo org centu lagi i nk test..saja tak mo minta tlg..nk tgk akal meke…tp akhirnya i angkat sndri buh dlm kete cabut anto gi umah baru..the rest kendian la nk angkat skit2..dgn nasihat spupuku n after reading all d comments i dpt smangat baru, so today dgn slambenye kata i want to take all my things today to my new house..lantak ler pe meke nk kata selfish ker hapa…hey those things are i nk dok dgn tenang dlm dunia i dgn housemates yg insyaallah sungguh menenangkan..

p/s : mmg relieved giler kak after pindah smua brg td..


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