Aug 16 2008 Saturday, 4:00 pm
Tezza turns 50!
half of my division i think 50 of us went down to Chinoz, next to me is Lian, my good buddy, apa2 function kami selalunya seiring dan sejalan, seduduk dan segossip
i ve secretly planned wt few of our team members to organize the 50th Birthday Party for our special man
he didnt know pun bout the surprise bday party, aku cover baikkkkkkkkkk punya
for the first time in my blog, i m showing you my official boipren in my life
after Momo left me to Singapore and Hong Kong, Tezza is looking after me so well…we have the chemistry and yes we are happy couple…
Tezza is turning 50 on next Tuesday 19 of August, but due to work commitment, kenalah bday event ni dibuat awal..
luckily sirman ada farewell party kat opisnya gak, n so no date dating cintan last nite, i spent my dating nite wt my official boipren .
Aku beransur bila ai got a text message – Puan Merah, Ai m leaving my office party now, see u kat lobby VA in half an hour…
Makanya mencicitlah ku pulang, tunggu sirman n kids kat VA sebab nak tolong dia bawak angkut naik segala beg sekolah barang anak2 wt the kiddos…
N sib baik sparkle greyku yang dah kelap kelip minyaknya tidak mati di jalan raya…kalo tidak, lain cerita lah kan
Aug 16, 2008 @ 16:40:07
eskusme…..tumfang tanye….ni ke bos yg ckp “dont let the bastartd pull u down?” waaahhhhh ai leb yu la bos…….errr….adekah bos juge akan di panggil balachi dgn hanya berkata2 sedemikian rupe???? i wonder …hmmmmmmmmm