Bersama Mak Merah – Terlanjur, Pregnant & Abortion!!!

hi kak red.

thanks for reading my mail.

actually i need ur help la bestfren ade big problem. she’s very weak.mcm budak2 perangai.x boleh nk decide for her future. x tau what shud she do. last month she positve pregnant.she told me a fren i x blh bia kan dia i help her sort her prob.she decided to gugurkan kandungan.

but i rsa x sanggup sgt2.mcm x smpai hati.tpi we still study.she still have one semester left to complte her study.i sgt kesian kan dia.msa tgah nk exam morning sickness toksah ckp lah.setiap msa muntah.i never face this before.quite shocked at first.but i’ve no choice.xkn nk bia kan dia sorg2.i ask her to call org yg lebih arif.then they said teruskan je kandungan tu.the big prob is kami lgsg x dpt contact her bf. bf dye org there and stay there with his family.

so we decided to check for 2nd time.xnk percaya pada pregnancy kit because we dont have any experience in this we went to clinic.n the doctor said positive.and the baby almost 2 months and half.i suggest her to tell her mum first.nsb baik la mak dia ni i told her mum bgi pihak dia.dia x sggp nk bgtau.sbb tau nnti melukakan ati mak dia.mak dia terkejot and x sngka ank dia boleh buat mcm tu.what we can said.nasi dah jdi bubur. so we ask the best opion for her mum. mak dia x nk malu.mak dia srh gugur kan kandungan tu.mak dia bgi duit rm800 for the that time i felt very2 useless.hanta dia pergi klinik buat semua tu.but i’ve no choice.dari biakan dia sorg2.her mum x boleh drive and harapkan i to help her daughter.

lepas da selesai semua we never talk about that anymore.but last night she told me that her bf msg ada msg.i mmg x boleh terima.mcm2 alasan jantan tu bgi.ckp dye xcident and mak dia pegang hp.dia ckp sebulan lebih dia kt hospital.patah kaki semua.pelik.xkan la lame sgt kn.lps tu hp dia mk dia ckp hilang masa xcident tu.mak dia tau pasal hal ni.tapi rahsia kan dari dia coz family dia x suka my fren.

last night my fren t’gerak hati nk call dia.dapat tpi nobody pick up the phone.tiba2 he msg.ckp terjumpa hp dalam bag mak dia.mak dia sorokkan hp.and he regret on what had happend.dia ckp sanggup dtg kl untuk kawin dgn my fren.i know my fren still love him.tpi i x boleh terima alasan jantan tu.yang i pelik nya x kan la mak dia nk topupkan hp dia.k

lu sebulan lebih x guna fon msti dah mistake dulu x call tempat keje jantan tu.skarang dia muncul balik.n my fren percayakan jantan tu.

he’s a digi user.n keja hotel kt kuching.if anyone can help me to prove that he’s guilty please please please i really need ur help. i x nak he destroy my fren life.dah la pemabuk.klu i jumpa dia rasa nk tembak je!

greeny min

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